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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Does Cs2 extended have 3d? Or how exactly did you make that oh so sexy car?
  2. Umm... Okay... I'll have to watch these later. I'm at home on Dial up. I'm sure if you try really hard you could be the best machinima maker. Just try hard i guess.
  3. Haha yeah thats what i meant. I think i better looking theme would attract more users. (Darker color theme). I'm going to go to popular forum sites and study them. And then see what we can do to improve. Maybe i'll advertise a little. We'll see. Im trying for ideas. I'm like racking my brain.
  4. Oh okay. I love your system. Those tweaters sound good i bet. I have a question about ohms. Isn't it better to have 2 ohm speakers rather than 8? It resists less flow of electricity doesn't it? Do you have your amps bridged? Are your mids hooked to your amps? Sorry for all the questions. I'm learing alot. I'm sure if i buy a 600watt amp and 2 12's that will be plenty. Right?
  5. I started crying when i seen this. How big is the amp in that video? What kind of speaker box is that? Cream... And i seen in the picture there it looks alot better. What is that black stuff you covered it with now? In the video it looked like it was yellow or something... but in the pic its black. I wish there was some more members who knew about this stuff. Blacklabel knows his s*** though.
  6. Are you using CS3 extended?
  7. Blue led? That would look so sweet!!
  8. Maybe if we could show the VIP section with awesome posts like Photo Shop portable. And hax tuts.
  9. You need to work on getting a car first and then actualy listen to music. I'll look in the auto trader for a decent car for you. What is your price range?
  10. You just started respecting this guy??? What is your problem? He should be a sub-admin. But anyways... I'm thinking about buying my amp of EBay... Good idea? I'll save alot of money which in turn will go into my subs.
  11. Why would you sell your 360?
  12. I think the cell phone idea is just wonderful! I can talk about my Razr v2.
  13. Didn't mean to offend anyone but yeah i see what you mean. And yeah peaches your right. Makes people get a taste and then they have to register.
  14. Haha wow. Thanks alot man. I love music too. My friends pretty much are laughing at me. "Your going to spend that much money on a sound system?" It's like @#%$ you. I have a job. You get a job. Then get a car. Maybe then you can talk to me. I`m thinking that 1000w is just too much right now. I still have to make payments on my insurence in the summer. I was thinking maybe like a 600watt mono amp? Or should i channel for higher quality? This seems all confusing to me at the moment. And if you don`t mind me asking do you think i can see your sound system and maybe your sound proof stuff. Just snap a couple of photos if you get some spare time. I`ll go snap some quick pics of my beauty too. Don`t laugh becasue all i have is a 200 watt and 1 10. Thats only because i just bought the car and the only work i`ve done on it so far is a wheel bearing and the front brake pads. Well i gotta get to school maybe i`ll post more there.
  15. Yeah my alternator had to work fairly hard this spring. I had listend to the music without turning the car on. I know that my alternator is quite small but ill look into it. The trunk of my car rattles pretty @#%$in bad. So i know what a capacitor is but what about the air port, air space and what is dual layering? I was looking at getting some decent subs and maybe a lower quality amp becasue i can get a 1000 watt amp for $150.
  16. I know! We can have an audio and car section! Tuts on how to fix cars and ect... That will atract more than just straight up computer nerds like the rest of our members.
  17. Haha boy? I am 16. But yeah i don't think anyone is going to want to ride in the back of my @#%$in car with those babys. Thats soo crazy. I think i might just stick with 600 watts. I know my friend has a 150x2 watt amp and it hurts the ears. Just imagine 600
  18. It pretty much goes through iBotmodz and see's that your logged in. Knid of like reading your Ip. Anyways lets stay on topic. I think we should do a trial run of the tutorial section. I can see it becoming a big mess even with sub-forums. I'd want to post in the section but im not apart of the staff.
  19. I would agree with lax but that would be just be wrong according to some. 100% without flaw!
  20. Haha that looks so sweet for MS Paint. Haha did you even have a mouse or just a mouse pad?
  21. Yeah i see what you mean. You could always remember what i said and use it next time. Sorry i don't have loads of time to sit at a computer and fool around in Photo Shop. Sorry buddy but i have a job and im involved in sports so my free time is limited. So why don't you just say why your mad and what i did wrong instead of flamming users like me. (ur no help whatsever cause u can't do any better.)<---
  22. Curtis


    Critic should make some sigs of his own. Ass hole should help people. All you said was how Japs are "HOTT". At least im posting what i feel about the sig. And i gave him a fairly decent rating and i said good job. And as a matter of fact im going to make sigs again. I don't see why what i do bothers you so @#%$in much.
  23. empty space? ur such a critic. i was just following the tut. Oh what do you know? You did get mad . I'm trying to help you if anything. I could of just said "good work 10/10" how helpful would that be? Sorry for this, sorry for everything. I'll make sure to rate everything you do 100% perfect without flaw.
  24. Haha wtf? You agreed with me? Haha just kiddin man. But yeah. I know i've had to register on other sites becasue of the idea i posted.
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