So who's your phone provider? Mines sasktel- It's the s***. The internet is slow if you use their Dsl. I don't. Expensive rates. Why do i use Sasktel? They are the only service provider in saskatchewan.
I played runescape once. I was level one. I walked into the wilderness. Watch two guys kill someone. Take his stuff. Than ran and sold the stuff. Then i quit
Or... You could take out the card and battery and stick the phone in a bowl of rice before even trying to turn it on. The rice will soak up all the water.
Wow dude... The reason it broke was due to a factory defect. I said i want a brick cause i don't use my cell alot. And the waruntee did not expire... It is for a year. Explain?
I've gained control of all the inside folders and the system data. BitPim. One problem... Getting the stupid java app to install the @#%$in games. I was thinking about flashing it... But stupid P2k won't work. Maybe when i get my phone back ill try.
HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource Check this site out. It includes Flexing, flashing, and hacking for most cell phones. Im looking at modding my Razr 2. I'll post some Java games later and show you how to install them for free.
I can't stand slide phones. That's just me. I don't like my front screen scratched to s***. My Krzr was s***. My Razr v2 is amazing. (getting fixed right now). I've used 4 phones this year. I hate samsung becasue of their Os and Lg just copied samsung. They both have really nice looking phones. Almost as good as motorola. Motorola Fo Life!
I do! Love it so much. Its getting fixed right now. I've been through 4 phones this year! Guess what guys! Demonoid is back. Demoniod is a closed sign up site with the greatest torrents in the world. If you need a sign up code I got em.
HAhaha. Well sure there might be the mods everywhere... But this is organized. If i was some halo player and looking for mods... then stumblung upon this site... And seen how nice the posts are then i would stay. Just watch... WE will be the one of the largest... And soon!