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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Curtis

    Legend of Zelda

    I love the version for N64. I put alot into that game. Too much fun.
  2. Sorry i wasn't around to vote. Looked cool at first... I guess. I almost want to change with brightness of the screen when i log in. Theme has great features yeah i agree. Its really slow on old computers (even lite version). But seriously. I put my imput into this site and it gets ripped to bits. Like every time. I don't think there is a single member on this site who was respect for me. So why am i dumping hours everyday into it? I don't know. And do you really think i'm going to leave after two years? I've been active here longer than some of the staff. Is there anything i can do for the site? Or for you even better. So other members dont see it and rip it to bits. Its too bad that none of our members can code/html the site. You have so much work to do and everytime we ask you to do something it takes a while and you dump alot of time into the site. So seriously... What can i do? Gfx- I suck Codeing- Can't Posted s***- Doesn't matter. Help users- Doesn't matter. Maybe if we had a mechanic section or something but this site is all about modding. I love halo 3 ALOT but what good does that help. I haven't came up with a good reason to stay lol. Now that i think about it. All my class time goes into here. (lowering my marks) and it takes up my free time. All for little bits of info that i can find on other sites. Ugh. I'll post more later. Should find me something to do. Byz.
  3. We had every right to assume your a ripper. Look we even had proof. So chill out dude.
  4. Whoa... What's going on here?
  5. Must of missed it. Sorry. Ill take my time elsewhere.
  6. Okay. Good time there...
  7. haha thats quite on topic Yeah its on topic. I did use the gen. Not many do. Anyways... Do any of you want a new theme.
  8. Okay? Demos are gay. This may lead to homebrew or modding! What exactly do you do when ?
  9. Good point. I forgot to mention that.
  10. That's not really how you grow. If we had a section teaching you to mod halo 3... Then we would be trown into space high. Look at the old site. The tut section was massive and the Fun modz section was huge.
  11. Haha theres a reason they are dark. Anyways... Why don' we get our oh so speacial "gfx" team to make us some images for the theme. And there is such a thing as multiple themes "Bradley". Just take a look at some of them. Even a lighter theme would look better than this.
  12. How exactly did it not work? Here i'll explain : Click on the URL. Browse the sections the site offers, then look at the themes...
  13. Maybe you need a trustworthy moderator?
  14. New Theme. Type: Suggestion Urgency: [ When your free ] About: I think we need a new theme. This one just doesn't cut it. Other sites have really nice ones. http://www.phpbbhacks.com/ Look there. They have nice mods and themes. http://darcnetworkz.com/- Looks Great! Created by iBotModz post generator I thought i would try this gen. I'll keep my post updated on themes i find.
  15. Ouch. My head hurts. Can someone explain everything to me? Like the whole modding proccess?
  16. Haha i was talking to him last night on Live when he told me this.
  17. Finally were on the rise again. We still need some more solid content. How many members do you expect?
  18. Umm... OKay? I had time to read some of this. You didn't type all of this did you?
  19. Great start. Better than a lot of first sigs I've seen. I see you used a default brush. Maybe you should try following some tuts and getting some other brushes. Looks good. Keep it up.
  20. What a b****. That's pathetic.
  21. I was thinking about just replacing my back mids. I have tiny little 5" mids in the front and i want to keep them. (alpine) And why shouldn't i use a clarion sub? And omg. What do i want? Mono or chanel amp? I'm thinking mono is better?
  22. I know for a fact that the size of the speakers don't matter. My tiny little 10 almost pounds as hard as my friends 2 12's. I know that my little 10 is being over-powered and his are underpowered. My plan is to first go get subs and a matching box for them. You told me to get the amp after the subs. I'm thinking Clarion. . So im guessing that 4ohm is your best bet? I'm scared of my alternator blowing. I know I made my batery go stone dead once already. But... How exactly do i wire something like this? I'm guessing everything comes back to the amp? And i know the amp goes into the stero deck so you can control the volume (durr). Where could i find a wiring diagram?
  23. This theme= Really bright and annoying. This theme= s*** compared to other top sites.
  24. Just imagine... If ibotmodz had a good machinima series... Think of all the users we could get...
  25. I'm sorry for the bump. I REALLY MISS THE OLD SITE. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!
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