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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Been here two years. Once was a moderator for the site. Lots of experience. How is Black going to be a mod? He is one. lol. Central Time Zone, UTC - 6h. Can't see me getting the position due to past history but i'll try.
  2. I had that phone. It was my third one this year. I loved it for txtin. Please don't buy it. It sux.
  3. How about having another section just for what you specified... Except link to a host site. That way no Bandwidth consumption.
  4. Should be great. I love watching people who are better than me As for halo 3- Gow- :{
  5. File manager? okay? No such thing on sasktel phones. Here is my phone: https://commerce.sasktel.com/eSales/sta ... ch+(eSales)&BusObject=Catalog&BusComp=Catalog+Category&Id=1-JMO2F&SWERF=1&SMIDENTITY=NO That link didnt work. http://www.sasktel.com/personal/mobility/index.html# Go down to phones then look for Razr v2.
  6. I'm sorry but... IM GETTING SICK OF THIS. We have sections for a reason. Please keep your problems there! GODzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I wish i was mod and i could fix problems like this.
  7. Curtis


    Try again. Its a good idea. Green open space is way too much. Pen tool looks overdone. Lens flare is... Just not good. Lol. Good Job though. I like the effect on the hand.
  8. I'm not a fan of Lg or slide phones so i'm going to agree with you there... And do you have a larger picture Oranges?
  9. I need a tut for Razr 2. Got any?
  10. Curtis

    May 07 Update.

    When can we expect the surprise?
  11. Curtis

    May 07 Update.

    Like my car?
  12. Curtis

    May 07 Update.

    Cars, Speakers, and mechanic section. And maybe like some other kind of video game like C0D4 cause way too many people play it. Ps: I'm going to say sorry now before i get bitched at for ideas and trying to help the site.
  13. 327 and a half. Jk more like 20. I just skimmed through it.
  14. Nice avatar!
  15. My mom tired making me do some laudry... Bad idea.
  16. Curtis

    May 07 Update.

    Lots of work. Good Job. Are you planning on adding anymore sections? I've got an idea.
  17. That one looks really nice. U.s have nice phones.
  18. Do you want a code?
  19. Hey man quick question... Did you get recon? Whats that picture of you and that guy? Did you use Veegies program?
  20. Haha must of missed that. Ill remember the hidden meaning behind " for now on
  21. I say maybe. It isn't required. Maybe if the sections don't count towards your post count. On the last site people spammed the User introduction section like mad. Good idea. We'll see what they say. Any other ideas?
  22. Im just mad because he beaks me on every account. Like my gfx skills. Telling me i'll never be good and never get to his level. Just why im mad. If i never take anything serious i would be dead. I get serious when someone beaks me for trying to be helpful.
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