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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. I have a video card from NVAIDIA. I had alot of problems with it at first. I had to update my drivers even though i had the disk that came with it... Which was a problem... I had dail up. I dont even remember what i did. Im looking for a solution.
  2. http://www.xpthemes.com/skins.asp?library=32 Check that site out. It's very useful. Download boot skin changer here: http://www.bootskin.com/ Other apps: CursorXP Use CursorXP to customize your WIndows XP cursors. BootSkin Use BootSkin to change your WIndows XP startup screen (bootscreen). IconPackager Use IconPackager to apply sets of icons to Windows. LogonStudio Use LogonStudio to apply new Windows XP logons. SkinStudio Use SkinStudio to make your own skins! TweakXP Use TweakXP to customize all the settings of your Windows XP system. WindowBlinds Use WindowBlinds to give XP the ability to add additional themes or 'visual styles'. WinStyles Use WinStyles to apply or create a theme suite. Have fun!
  3. Haha how did he get the pelican on the map?
  4. ZOMGWTFBBQ! IM so glad i live in saskatchewan. About the worst animal we have around here would be a bear. And they are pretty much harmless if you stay out of there way.
  5. Unless you have a hacking program i'm guessing no. Im pretty sure the site wont let a program gain such information.
  6. Can i try the game?
  7. So what all did you have to do? Keep up the good work.
  8. I like the idea. Get rid of the pointless main page.
  9. Then i guess it's usefull. Good job.
  10. Its somewhat pointless to be honest with you. We have a site search and why wouldn't we just go to google?
  11. good job man. I dont really see the need for a post gen however. It totally destroyes creativity.
  12. I don't see why you would want to waste your time with arcade.
  13. Curtis

    A Name

    Rappers are so gay. Don't even mention them.
  14. Sweet but not very practical for the price. They don't even have allot of memory.
  15. Someone stole my account. Can someone make me one?
  16. Curtis

    A Name

    I never say "lol" but LOL!
  17. I don't mind movie maker. Its easy. I can't remember the last time i made a video... Im making a snowmoblining video!
  18. I pretty much have everything i want right now besides an iPod.
  19. Can you explain please? What are containers? And can you explain the rest?
  20. Rmmm! i want a cookie.
  21. ..always getting/doing something soon.. *cough* liar *cough* Shut the @#%$ up. Im getting one for my birthday which is one month away. I said i was going to get rock band and i did. So what's your problem? And at least i have a job so i can afford stuff.
  22. Its too bad that halo 2 isn't played allot. It looks great though!
  23. Curtis

    A Name

    Thoes lack creativity. You can think of anything you want.
  24. Haha alvin... I totally agree. And for as the capture card... I would go with red... depending on how much price range there is.
  25. It seems we have enough staff. Half of the members are staff haha. Not that all of them are active.
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