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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. I've been active since the old site haha. But no energy award?
  2. Ever see Fattwams pm's on msn? Here's the truth. They are links to viruses. His latest one is ipflooder.co.nr. Which puts a bot in your computer and he uses you to offline others. So Just to warn ya. Don't trust the guy or anything he does. Have fun foruming.
  3. Haha that`s a good way to look at it. But yeah i agree you should mod something. It just makes things better.
  4. Im thinking that Smokie would fill the spot perfectly.
  5. Haha im really sorry about that. I had valid reasons but i should of used a friendly aproach. We both got personal becasue were friends and we were sitting beside each other. And yes as the site grows i think we need new staff. And i don't personally get don't get along with some of your staff. They just don't seem to care for the members or the site.
  6. Yeah. Gone way too far. You wont adress what i say. Which is fine. Becasuse i know im not wrong. I've been throwing stuff in your face? Well we are sitting right beside each other and you are beaking me too. What do you expect. Im finished and i know im not wrong. (not saying you are) Consider what i've said good pal!
  7. Wow Repeating much? You say the same thing again, again, and again. I told you. I dont just sit there and beak you. Its like you just don't get it. I don't want to expand the medals!! IF i didn't like your ideas i could just say "thoes ideas suck" I gave you an idea and for the last time try branching off my thoughts about your ideas instead of complaining. Your just being a $%#^%# b**** and you want to aruge with me. I don't know how many times i have to tell you the same thing again and again. Someone wanna help me here? This kid just doesn't get it. Ive been with this site for i don't know how long and now you come in and give me s*** for posing what i think of your ideas? Think of some new ideas or go off yours besides complaing about me... who is obviuosly trying to help. What else should i of posted? "your ideas suck" or "i dont like them" or "try agian" or "good idea" when i personally don't? Think long and hard about this Bradley. I'll continue this later when i have time. All you do is say- all you do is complain. You have taken nothin of what i've said or even considered it. My ideas (nice and fancy for retards) They are fine Maybe add a Long time member Maybe competing in the 5v5 tourney Or even better the winners of the tourney Please state your opinion or why you think they are bad or good And remember "Don't Be A b**** "
  8. Hi Cody! Thanks for the interuption. And i enjoy arguing. Why don't you do your homework or go play childish wii? Just leave us be. We enjoy this.
  9. Sigh... I did have an idea for this. And i usually do have ideas... I said i think the medals are good right now. Thats my idea. Don't accuse me of just beaking when i do post my ideas. (notice my medals) (look at your one medal) Telling you what is wrong with your medals is just about as good as posting more ideas. At least we can branch of yours.
  10. All i said is why i don't like your ideas!! That is helping. Improve of off what i don't like and try to get a better idea. How about this? Ill not post what i want. Just you. That way you can't grow off your ideas. Is that what you want? Sure sounds like it. I hate when people say "good idea". No room for improvment.
  11. I'm sorry but... Your @#%$in stupid. I stated why i don't like your ideas. It's better than saying "Stupid idea" not that they aren't stupid but i back up what im saying. It's pointless how you snaped on me for saying what i want. I've had valid reasons. I also said my idea is that the medals are good right now.
  12. Retard... Don't say anything at all? I told you i usaually have ideas... And for the second time... I don't want bad ideas to go through. So YES i am going to say something if i don't like it. I know im not going to lose this argument I don't see why i cant have an opinion...
  13. So offended! Lol once again. Told you already. I don't like stupid ideas. You act like im useless to the site. I would like to congratulate you on your first helpful post. Way to go Bradley!
  14. Three leters for you "lol" You don't think i help the site? All im saying is that thoes medals just don't cut it. I was actually thinking of medals... Im coming up blank. I don't want to see stupid ideas go through.
  15. I say no to all of these. Modder Medals? Has nothing to do withthe site... 500+ posts? Umm... no. Look at all the spammers. We don't even have sig of the week anymore. The medals are good as they are so far.
  16. Haha thats dumb. I see what they did. Thats so cheap.
  17. That's what i recomend. Buying a new card is your best bet. Try- http://www.ebay.com/ or just your local electronic shop. Have fun
  18. I can't wait to see thoes mods. Any idea for a time length?
  19. Three cheers for NeoBatWare and iBotpeachez. I Think its a great mod. Are you thinking of adding anymore medals?
  20. I did some modding. I tried some Pc mods which didn't turn out. I've softmodded two orignal xboxs and a few other things. I tried flashing my Krzr which didn't work. I've also modded computer games. Very cheap ones though My next project is my Razr v2.
  21. can't wait to play them!
  22. The 5v5 tourney isn't working out so great.
  23. I feel like a retard. How do they mod exactly? Resign? Bypass?
  24. Okay so i want to get started Dual booting... Where should i start and what do you recomend?
  25. I really wish i could help you. The only torrent site i trusted is now shut down. Try torrent spy... I know there is a nice post in VIP section from D1CEx14 Try that and good luck.
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