We just need to start having a population control... Then all problems will be solved. Less forest and resources and will be consumed and the trees can catch up on C02.
Signs are here already. As i've said. Some want to try to say its not a problem. When it is. Already seasonaly temperatures are changing. And the Ice caps are melting. Polar Bears are having a very difficult time. Just changing your light bulbs can save 500 pounds of coal in a life time.
Carbon theme lacks... But its really nice. I find it faster then both of the other themes. I don't like the banner for Carbon. But i can't live without my black! Great work. How long did this take you?
The truth is here... We cannot go back. http://www.stopglobalwarming.org/ Please visit. If we don't stop soon... Well Our children won't have an easy life. Most are too lazy to even care. W.e we only live here. I know none of us can stop our carbon lifestyle. How do you feel?
Haha whoa... Snap case much? Haha i'm sorry my eyes hurt. Anyways try searching Microsoft for an answer. I know that the default help on the computer is actually helpful. Try that. Or even any other fourm site. Google maybe. Try around. Then get back to me. Ttyl.
Thank you lax and Oranges. Okay... So if i blur the edges of the render... Then maybe sharpen the txt or something else... I'll get a better feeling of depth... Right? I read some tuts and i got some knowledge on that. Got anymore tuts? Oh and the lighting did not turn out well in this Sig. If you look on the shoulder you can see light that was on the render to begin with. I tried making the light to come from the top kinda left hand side of the sig.