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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Yes anarchy is right. You have almost 2 flows to it. Other than that its ok. 6/10
  2. Once again i love your creativity. It deffinatly doesnt work for this sig. 5/10. i miss your old work
  3. I love this sig. Right side could use a brighter smudging. 7/10
  4. Well what do we have here? I know. A really odd bg with a car that sticks out way tooo much. Also notice the shadows under the car. 4/10.
  5. Have a feeling that Melo's gonna take this one. Maybe i should hand out goodies like Rapid share accounts and hacking tools to the winners...
  6. I need a sig. No specific things needed. You will be rewarded. Like Rapid Share accounts? How about almost anything i can get you.
  7. Haha bringing back memories. No dude looks good. 8/10
  8. Everything you do looks pro. Im guessing your future career?
  9. Curtis


    Haha all i can say is. Wow.
  10. Welcome to Cesar. IN other works skill.
  11. I personally like it. It is...well dead. Gongrats on GFX team D1CE
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