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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. yes plz
  2. Whats up guys? Who has played Halo MCC? I have and its unreal! Well except for the fact that you cant find a game very often, but each time i play its getting better? Anyone interested in doing some custom games or matchmaking? I'd love to get 8 ppl together for some classic Tower Of Power! Anyways, add it up "x imaDGx" is my gamertag
  4. :'( why i no get included in this list
  5. what about DG
  6. swerve. DG
  7. x imaDG x Melo! you ****er haha lets play
  8. veryangryface** fattwam you are not listen to the rules
  9. Curtis

    It was fun.

    Had a great time being apart of this forum, like fur real. I remember when the modding page was only 2 pages long!!!! HAHAHA. ok where is all teh old members now?
  10. iMaDG! http://www.esquire.com/cm/esquire/images/iH/esq-miranda-kerr-pictures-2012-lg.jpg Hot girl thread, you must reply with a picture or i will perma ban u! (angry face) Start it off with teh hottest girl in teh world. Peaches i will eat your face if you don't approve this, MUCH Love. JK i hate everyone
  11. imaDG
  12. Curtis

    er what

  13. Curtis

    er what

  14. Curtis

    It was fun.

    Who still plays xbox? BF3 and halo reach and some mw3 for me, Add me if you still play "x imaDG x"
  15. Curtis

    It was fun.

    i have so many memories with this site, so many good times. SO much time invested lol thanks so much for putting me in your post Peaches!! for ol times sake: immmmmmmmmaaaDDDGG!!!
  16. LOL old topic
  17. Yeah first check the fans, probably plugged. Maybe run a hardware diagnostics. Maybe give us some more info?
  18. Curtis

    Halo 2 Beta

    hey let me know if you get this to work, -DG
  19. "how do you resign?" "where do i get maps" "how do you change a guns bullets"
  20. Curtis

    Site Move

    haha awee.. i was kinda hoping this shitty site would shut down already
  21. LMAO you've got to be kidding me, Treyarch are bad programmers. And yes COD LAGS because cod sucks, you could have a full game with all players with a great connection and still get lag.
  22. Zomg! Melo bro. Havent talked to u in ages. add me on xbl x imaDG x
  23. Meh, im alright at cod if its not laggy. But yes treyarch ****** up quite a bit, and they need to fix the major lag issues.
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