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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Curtis


    I think it looks pretty good. I don't like the lighting effect by the mask. I feel that could of been better. Bg? Not so great. Like the stock. Overall-7.5/10. Good Job.
  2. Wow... Great work. What brushes did you use? I love the shadows... I think i got a new background
  3. I think it looks great for a first Vector sig. Txt is hard. It needs work. There is some empty space but it is a vector. Im scared to say anything becasue you get mad at just about everything i do.
  4. Maybe if you said please register... And below it you had all the forums showing. And when they click on a forum they get re-directed to register. And after they register they can go into the forum they clicked on.
  5. Haha okay i read it a little fast. But maybe he could of just said "Haha omg i just helped someone with this". Doesn't really matter. But if an Admin was rude to his users would you want to stay on the site?
  6. I know im going out on a limb here but... Peaches... Honestly don't snap on your members. I sounds like you've been quite upset recently. So just cheer up please? And if your dash doesn't work after those instructions PM me.
  7. I've said multiple times that you should get someone to help you with the Php work. Too bad know one is good enough.
  8. I love helping people so this is going to be great!
  9. Its not like any other site wouldn't have info like that. This is a crappy gfx site. Sorry but it is, Its not like this site has anything that other bigger and better sites don't offer. I still love the site. I guess its for no reason really.
  10. OMFG. Thats so crazy... I won't have a fricken trunk left.
  11. Site runs very choppy on these slow computers at my school. Maybe this will help.
  12. Well honestly why would someone want to be apart of this site? We have low ammount of members, useless posts, pointless sections, crappy arcade. Our main problem is the users and the pointless waste of time this site is. The site just shows no reward at all. What do we honestly get out of this site? A couple sigs? Maybe? Some of us have been active with the site for like 2 years and there isn't anything rewarding about it. I'm not sure how it could be rewarding but yeah. I'm not really sure what we can do... But we have to do something.
  13. Helpful members. Thank you.
  14. This topic is a little old if you didn't notice Bradley. Heres my entry anyways http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10995-319.png
  15. Sure... Anyone else?
  16. Love the new troll update. Glad the april fools prank is gone. We don't exactly have spammers anymore. Not like the old site anyways. We need to focus on getting some solid content that will drive people to our site then advertize like crazy. Any ideas?
  17. I'm going with Cesar. He knows what he's doing. I like his sig because of the detail and depth. The flow isn't the greatest but what do i know. They are all good to be honest with you.
  18. Haha it only takes a year to gain a level.
  19. Do shader swaps so up in forge variants?
  20. Bump. Someone help me.
  21. || Stansdad.com || http://stansdad.com/ Check this site out! It lets you watch and download all south park videos! I thought about posting this in the VIP section but i think the little guys need some cool things too. So enjoy...
  22. Okay... Looks great. Are we going to use it?
  23. Haha great work smokie. You've done allot for the site.
  24. I know nothing about electrical yet. I'm all mechanical. So if i have a 600 watt amp... How much power would be going into my mids and how many into the 2 12's? No im not stealing or buying stolen iteams. Anyone have a wiring diagram? ***New Idea*** I can get a 1000 watt amp for $200... So... How much power would be going to my mids and how many to my subs? I think that's going to overpower my mids way too much... My deck only puts out 50x4 wattage. Some help please?
  25. What brand is CRV? I was thinking more like Clarion/Alpine. With a 600 watt amp do i need to wire my mids to the amp? My deck sucks. Which im fine with. 600 watt amps are somewhat expensive so where can i get a good deal? Im looking at 2 12's and a 600 watt amp now.
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