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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Good job. I'm jealous.
  2. Wow bunch of big spenders lmao. If i set up a paypal then ill talk to you about a .net.
  3. They are not Show Off material. I just need someone to look at them and tell me where to go.
  4. I agree with Peach. Even though it would be cool. We should spend some money on adds...
  5. Kasperesky Internet Security + Anti-Virus + Patch & Fix Applications : Windows : English Kaspersky Internet Security ________________________________________ Provides you with the same proven anti-virus protection as Kaspersky Anti-Virus together with additional features including Parental Control, a personal firewall, an anti-spam filter, Privacy Control and more. Product Highlights * Integrated protection from all Internet threats * Integrated antivirus protection: 1) Hourly automated database updates, 2) Preliminary behavior analysis, 3) On-going behavior analysis. New! * Real-time scanning for email, Internet traffic and files * Personal firewall with an IDS / IPS system. Improved! * Protection from leaks of confidential data. New! * Parental Control. New! * Protection from spam and phishing * Automatic database updates Installation: _____________ 1. Install Kaspersky Internet Security 2. Use a key from Keys folder 3. Apply patch from the Patch folder (Read the "how to use" in Patch folder for proper application of patch.) 4. If patch doesn't help use the fix in the Fix folder. 5. Enjoy . ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Dl link: Working Key (the one im using): Get VIP for a demonoid code. There you go gud fellow. Its amazing. VIP material. Want more? Stay acitve and get into VIP. Removed the links. Currently the rules don't say you can't post stuff from VIP but on the old site there was a two day ban. Besides, don't post stuff from VIP outside of VIP, it defeats the purpose.
  6. I was working on a sig today. Can someone send me some Easy yet effictive tuts? I love the Colab btw. Dyinghero ftw. Melo goodjob. Anyone wanna see what i've made so far?
  7. Curtis


    I'd also like to know.
  8. I might post a pic later. Oh btw... Good luck on keeping that mustang runnin.
  9. Please read the rules. (top of every page) If you need help understanding how to blog correctly, Drop one of us a Pm.
  10. Sounds great. I won't let you pay that much.
  11. I'd take a Gfx spot... But your gonna have to teach me how to use photoshop. I'm very limited right now.
  12. Haha no... Do you wanna see my most recent sig? I think your just tryin to make me look like an idiot. I like to judge.
  13. Yea, im def moving carrati to retired , dice is active once every blue moon. Were def in need of some new members I think Carrati is very respected... But what can you do. He's just not active. D1CEx14... Well hes got some mad GFX skills. Just not active. (i think he has a life lol). I agree with what your saying. But who is honestly going to join up and be an active gfx member? Cesar, Milkman, Anarchy... ALL gone. I don't know any Gfx guys willing to join. So we'll see what the future holds. Very true dont you have 1337 gfx skills? What?
  14. Need some more information. No idea what your talking about.
  15. Dark Master your amazing.
  16. Lmao i'll fund you the money. Can i be an admin with you?
  17. Yea, im def moving carrati to retired , dice is active once every blue moon. Were def in need of some new members I think Carrati is very respected... But what can you do. He's just not active. D1CEx14... Well hes got some mad GFX skills. Just not active. (i think he has a life lol). I agree with what your saying. But who is honestly going to join up and be an active gfx member? Cesar, Milkman, Anarchy... ALL gone. I don't know any Gfx guys willing to join. So we'll see what the future holds.
  18. Dark Master ftw. Man you guys... Two minutes out of your day? Have you ever been helped before. Lol anyways i signed up!
  19. Use azureus- http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ I love it.
  20. Good job Lax and Black. I don't think anyone could seal those spots better. We are a growing community and we'll need the best staff we can get. I'm glad to hear that i might have the next spot. Im sure Snowmon would be a fine addition as well. As for Melo... Good job. I'll be putting your new spot to the test. Most GFX members aren't active.
  21. Sorry Sillybob i haven't got your code yet Go to user control panel and it should be one of the first subjects under it.
  22. Curtis

    mah phone

    OMG looks like someone needs to buy minutes on time!
  23. No offence man and don't take this seroiusly... But your the guy whos getting mad at people for spelling something wrong lol. Please don't tell my friend to grow some balls lol. He's like 6 foot 4 and would drop like anyone.
  24. Yeah man. Send me some of the templates and ill do some images to take the load off for you.
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