NO one is saying you can't make a story line. Go right ahead. I'm sure it will answer alot of questions. How many other sites have you seen with this? Your acting a little emo right now just because you had one idea that some people didn't like. Make a history.
ÎæFinal Fanasty-The spirts within ÎæStarwars ÎæJarhead ÎæNo country for old men ÎæSaving Private Ryan ÎæI am legend ÎæDawn Of The Dead ÎæUmm... I'll add more later.
Oh c'mon dude! You know i have been flamed for the stupidist things ever. Getting annoying? I prepared for it like once lol. Anyways back on topic... I think we should add this sooner than later if we are going to add it. Another section couldn't hurt could it?
I would help too. I know a fair amount of stuff when it comes to cars. He knows alot more. I could alot of my friends to join if you had a section like that. Ps: Sorry in advance if i offend anyone with this.
Your best bet is to use that H drive. Better yet get a Terabyte portable hdd. They rock. It'll keep your computer runnin good if you save everything on it.
New section- Mechanics/Cars. Type: Suggestion Urgency: [ When your free ] About: I think we should add a new section. Under something like "Mechanics/Cars". Then we can talk about our cars, our engine issues, sound systems, ect... I think we could get some hits with this... And i know i would be very active in that section. Created by iBotModz post generator I used the gen cause i love Smokie.
Welcome. This is a great site. Always friendly... Unless your dealing with me . Just stay active and enjoy everything we have to offer. Such as our arcade and what not.