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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. ipb 1, then phpbb, then ipb2, then ib3 holy shit i dunno what to think yet, as for moderation i think i have more powers now, check that.
  2. I don't know how many times i've begged for this, .**** its about time diet, high five!!
  3. drugs?
  4. and im so glad i live in canada, i'm not doing work, so you can get money btw.
  5. i got a better idea, go get a job
  6. yet another attempt, hope this one works out.
  7. hello imaDG, i pretty much run this place.
  9. Curtis

    +rate +class me

    compo and flow could use work, imo. empty and lacking effects. novice
  10. Curtis

    Yo Dawg,

    Mac= fail, people who don't know how to protect themselves use mac.
  11. Loved all splinter cell games, gotta try this one.
  12. Curtis


    Thanks for the share man, WOW. Good stuff,
  13. http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/a5bdaa9...611c-1243905443 INFECTED, do not download. Closed.
  14. Wow quite poor, you don't spell right or provide links of any sort. And no i'm not searching for this youtube account.
  15. phpbb was just messy, not as profesional as IPB. it was fun, but had lots problems.
  16. FAQ might be helpful, most people don't read them tho.
  17. Learn the line my friend, go enjoy life. Its great!
  18. nothin magical, personaly i don't like it, sorry.
  19. Venom has ripped people off before, selling fake recon accounts.
  20. i think you should get out more often, like wtf is this.
  21. people have been like begging bungie to lower the weapon over xbl, you can only lower the weapon local, or system link.
  22. Hey its spanky! wtf where ya been man, I wouldn't trust the service.
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