Ibotmodz, what a great community. Some of you may of known me as DeathGrip or SDG Grenade. Well life moves on, and i gotta move with it. So i'm leaving ibotmodz. Brief History of me: -Joined at the beginning of ibotmodz, old forumer -learned to mod halo 2 -moderated the halo 2 and lobby forums -i was good at modding, was on the mod squad, i could inject custom sounds and move scenery and add scenery. -and now moderating this forum. I must say this has been an amazing forum, but not only forum, a family. Most of you members don't know me well and have little respect for me, i was in at halo 2 I just want you guys to know i respect you all, except for one staff member. (i agree with smokie) Hit me up on msn or xbl, ill still be around. As for now, im officially retired. Fatal Error, make me proud.
Joined:3 years i think, (very start, when halo 2 modding was only one page long Other Aliases:Sdg grenade, deathgrip_17 (i think) Posts:Current 1606, or more... Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?), active member and staff member. Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area? My job is to moderate the VIP section, i have no other use other than contribtion Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: I frown upon leaked content without owners permission, i consider it illegal and wrong.
LOL peaches, regular members suck at this! Just drop melo, dhero, lax or someone a post. If you want melo and i could probably team up and handle this. And do we seriously have to use that ****** skin?
I'm afraid i don't agree with you, however i can settle for a lighter based skin, sure, but it needs to look nice. Consider re-building our old skin, off forumer.com Remember that? Maybe i could re-make it.