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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. kthankxbai...
  2. i say we bring back SOTW, then SOTM
  3. Black= banned member that suits you well, or should
  4. imaDG! meow
  5. http://www.nintendo.ca/2002/images/char_pikmin.gif
  6. who made this?
  7. Coming from the hypocrite here, i made a joke about your mom being flat and you snapped **** on me, wtf...
  8. Now we just need you back in place where you belong, as Admin. Missed you Adrian.
  9. Ummm... When's the last time you were active or contributed to the site in any way, you weren't even a consideration for the 2 spots. You guys do realize that moderating is alot of work, and takes time and devotion... So don't be too bummed if your not staff. When your staff you have people like DSS harassing you to moderate. Im "" with peaches choices.
  10. We do not need new staff, lol This site could almost be ran with one staff member, seriously it's ridiculous.
  11. Curtis


    Post count does not = Respect Remember that.
  12. i dunno howsa i got my name, i think i was born with it. as for DeathGrip, i dunno
  13. Curtis


    Check mai posts and member number.
  14. Then explain how you would live a normal life without politics and leaders, you've never been a politition.
  15. life in prison= Very expensive, cost alot of tax payer dollars, but then sometimes they are found inocent 10 years later... Personally i dunno.
  16. Bush made the american economy worse, you have no proof that obama is a bad president.
  17. Have you tried youtube, then just record it. I'll look around. P.s show some respect guys, this guy pretty much made ibotmodz along with the other old staff.
  18. Strip for me. 10$
  19. Where you applying?
  20. I don't agree, the way i see it is that you can belive what you want, and shouldn't need to do everything to worship. Remember there is dif versions of christianity. imho, i think its a farce.
  21. Nope i don't read topics before replying We have said many times ipb3 is just around the corner, yet it never comes. I know its coming, its just taking forever, and btw i can read. edit* I'd like to see proof that "every good site has a light skin", look at our old forumer, it was riddled with ads and bugs, but we were still like top 3 in halo 2 modding, we did good with a dark skin.
  22. Yeah it would be nice to have some controls back lol
  23. The shout-box is fine, we have problems with people abusing it already, what if we got a better one? More abuse?
  24. IPB3? We've only talked about it 10000 times, it's never coming lol
  25. Curtis

    i win?

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