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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Wtf... Lol. Your like never active, and now your posting something about xbl?
  2. That sucks man.
  3. Proove to me that all your mods are acutally yours, you've stolen before. Give me proof or i'll delete this topic.
  4. Curtis

    Adblock Plus

    I recommend using an anti-virus with ad-blocking, not a plug in.
  5. Lol everyone thinks they know what they are talking about, i joined when this website had under a page of halo 2 modding tuts.
  6. So who did you steal this one from?
  7. Wow what a joke lol, enough said here. Closed.
  8. I don't see what harm they do. Leave em,
  9. IBM= Fail over the last year the old site was wayy more active, halo 2 modding was soo fun. Now we have nothing.
  10. Curtis

    Gmod .exe

  11. Curtis

    simple Modesty

    I like it, good job. So you as good as Walshy yet?
  12. Yeah i see what you mean, i've had trouble with it in the past. I don't think its an ACP thing you can edit however. We'll see what peeeechez says.
  13. Since when?
  14. Link removed. advertsing not aloud.
  15. Curtis


  16. Topic title= Xx Anarchy xX rip off Nice taggg tho
  17. Curtis

    my new pet

  18. Curtis

    my new pet

    How about you click the link?
  19. rofl!yes it does Hb.
  20. Curtis

    my new pet

    Check him out!
  21. Curtis

    my new pet

    Hes soo cute!
  22. Curtis

    my new pet

    Check him out http://dragcave.net/image/Br6b.gif Make him hatch plz
  23. Signed, should of set this up earlier.
  24. How about a staff member? GT: DeathGrip x17x Primary- Silver Secondary- Blue Emblem- Jolly Roger with Cross Emblem Colors- Blue, and silver.
  25. He's posting our "Videos".
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