ohh man did you pick the wrong guy to argue with, anyways you posted your stuff in GFX show-off therefor i have a right to post what i want, and rate it how i want. maybe i think its garbage, but w.e lol Just putting it out there, im gonna say what i want to say if its posted in a section to get reviewed. I'll review it.
lmao don't expect good reply's when even you know its garbage. You said you made it because you can, but doesn't mean you have to share it. if you dont want bad results don't post garbage. Wow at these kids trying to jump into this GFX scene.
a flow? flow is a natural thing, something that is appealing to the human eye, you don't believe in it? so you don't like to see nice things, like tits, legs, ass, or a nice view... Like lmfao its something thats natural and we naturally don't like it if its got no flow.
okay dont take things wrong when i say your work suckks, it does. BUT your new at this, therefor its pretty decent considering how new you are at this game. colors, flow, compo, focal, lighting, and effects aren't there. btw i can't see the text until i strain my eyes
staff approve negative rep? thats retarted. the rep system is for the community, the community decides what your rep is. chill out btw. its just a "-" sign on the internet