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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Do you know how to set up a forum?
  2. I would win them all, end of story. Ask all the old members how much i liked to argue.
  3. Errr... welcome back lol. sounds intense.
  4. i am working.
  5. Everyone wait for ipb 3, coding skins is very hard and time consuming.
  6. Curtis


    Thank you melo. I agree with Jake at the same time too. NOW YOU ******* FAGS STFU, go cry some more, **** its off topic and they are eggs, what is the ******* problem. And btw, I click everyones eggs when i see them in their signature.
  7. Curtis


    keep er coming.
  8. Curtis


  9. Curtis


    Can you click my eggs, please? I've done alot for this site.
  10. Curtis

    My birthday

    Now i see Korupt Data's point. This is off-topic material, just a post generator. Moved.
  11. I don't think it's a problem. Were ibotmodz, not a ******* company forum.
  12. I have a very hard time reading your posts. Just so you know.
  13. Looks fine to me, thanks for sharing. If you don't like the band, keep it simple. Like "Sorry don't like it, but nice post, thanks for the share." Your children, now grow up and stop taking stuff so seriously. Closed.
  14. Emo screammmo!!! much
  15. Errrr brush much? It looks okay.
  16. Can't say i agree, other staff members?
  17. Agreed, not feeling this one.
  18. Curtis

    [Request yo!]

    Lol are you mental? LOok at my respect list. HB has been on there for months.
  19. How come i don't see any ad-brite? Lol. And click all the ads you can, makes money for peaches.
  20. Curtis


  21. Curtis


    Can you, i get stuck on the forth level. http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=15779
  22. Curtis

    OLd members

  23. Curtis


    Oh but of course baby.
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