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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. mehh, simple and boring no real texture either. the font is even choppy,k smooth it out
  2. beast nice and simple, perfect for myspace bg
  3. lul thanks for explaining i would of never guessed read a tut if you dont want me to tear u apart
  4. why not bring back SOTW and such... like ive mentioned 100000 times. k then bring a sweet group of gfxers
  5. CESAR remember me, IM deathgrip. how come you deleted my msn, you should re-add me, havent talked to you in like a year. deathgrip_17@hotmail.com
  6. http://4imgs.com/445/pics/DVS870_b.jpg
  7. What benefit do you gain having a 50 when your garbage, people can tell how shitty of a player you are.
  8. Curtis


    pretty decent dont like the text or the "V" shaped flow, little more blending too would help.
  9. Forever- As I Lay Dying
  10. veryy messy, try working on flow and avoid mono-tone
  11. can he haz smarter child in teh box
  12. Curtis

    10,000 Members

    i remember on teh old site, when there was 2000, dis be crazyy.
  13. holla at your *****
  14. wow dude use your head, im just being honest here. stand in my shoes for a second, im on my favourite website and some guy is begging me to join his website, your like a begger... if you had something to offer, or used a slightly more postive approach then maybe i'd want to join, personally i just find this annoying. @ Jake im giving him the honest truth, if im not harsh he wont learn, and not to mention how annoying this is. im not acting like im better than everyone else, i don't have a forum, i even tried twice and was the same as him. ima say what i want to say, even if its mean, at least i get my point accross better
  15. lul coming frum you. and no i'm not, he doesn't get any better if i say "great job", im gonna give him information.
  16. This is ******* mental, you don't know the first thing about computers, let alone forums. so pathetic. begging people to join, how about if you offer something i want, ill join. Or maybe if you were cool
  17. Finally some decent art around here. Good job bra, i love it.
  18. not good, very poor sense of lighting very strange texture and flow, or none at all, why is the focal on the far letf? looks like and empty hole.
  19. more like wtf is this :/
  20. Lol your ******* retarded, acting like you've actually done something for your country, and talking shit like you know whats what. Not only is Canada safer to live in, we are also more wealthy. The States can look forward to drinking your own filtered shit, your almost dry on fresh water.
  21. SOTW on the front page, we should do that again,
  22. American haz messed up schoolin sysyem.
  23. Curtis

    Bot Removal

  24. R U okay?!!! Holy shit man,.
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