wow dude use your head, im just being honest here. stand in my shoes for a second, im on my favourite website and some guy is begging me to join his website, your like a begger... if you had something to offer, or used a slightly more postive approach then maybe i'd want to join, personally i just find this annoying. @ Jake im giving him the honest truth, if im not harsh he wont learn, and not to mention how annoying this is. im not acting like im better than everyone else, i don't have a forum, i even tried twice and was the same as him. ima say what i want to say, even if its mean, at least i get my point accross better
This is ******* mental, you don't know the first thing about computers, let alone forums. so pathetic. begging people to join, how about if you offer something i want, ill join. Or maybe if you were cool
Lol your ******* retarded, acting like you've actually done something for your country, and talking shit like you know whats what. Not only is Canada safer to live in, we are also more wealthy. The States can look forward to drinking your own filtered shit, your almost dry on fresh water.