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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Curtis

    KiD GoT PwNt

    k botz? or sever?
  2. Curtis


    how is he an idiot, he's totally right, open the computer and look for one. wtf are we supposed to do, we can only help you with what they look like.
  3. Your mature.
  4. http://www.shejailbait.com/jdzwie329d1484414fr4123d4.jpg
  5. lmao, how old are you Dakote. Pretty sure the ppl not posting in this section, are the ones out there with lives, lol. They didn't even have time to read this thread. But its a pretty cool idea, i dunno what you'd call it tho, and it'd have to be with no post count,
  6. Curtis

    Bleep Bloop

    Nice tag, blending, colors, focal, and lighting could use work.
  7. *curtis creams his pants then yells at cesar for no upload*
  8. k you guys are a bunch of ******* twanks... I SAID ONLY POST with a picture. :'( http://www.rankopedia.com/CandidatePix/17052.gif
  9. Pretty sure i said every post needs a pic, grrr ima mad at your EazyB http://www.eyebrowmagazine.com/__data/assets/image/0010/10045/megan_fox_naked_5.jpg
  10. Rules: 1. All girls must be clothed, or covered. NO NUDE 2. Every post in this thread must have an image, or it's deleted 3. I'll add more rules if i need them Kayden Kross, my favorite porn star: http://photo.vixdata.com/data/media/photo/medium/25f/25fa571d-7d70-4fbd-89f8-63328f95343a.jpg
  11. lol cesar is Straight player, i know this for a fact. So glad you came back in my life baby lol anyways that was a horrible attempt, just saying
  12. Your right im good for nothing, that'd be why im holding a staff position right now, and im retired because i was way more helpful on the old site as a halo modder, hense im retired. NOT my scene anymore. Who am i a fanboy of? My good friend smokie? which whom i've known for 2-3 years. and lol @ TheEazyB's comment. and i loveee your custom programs binded with viruses.
  13. lol coming from the guy that advertises in his sig... It was a joke btw, and at least im trustworthy, DSS turned out bad, Melo turned out bad (not really his fault), and smokie turned out bad (not really his fault).
  14. pretty much the code can't handle me, cause im sexx. And uber modifired profile, cause nothing works at work, home, or other home. So pretty much i should be sub-admin. :P:P:
  15. Like me?
  16. Anything that is a "Grade 2" or greater sucks, unless your into general.
  17. Curtis

    8 inches deep...

    Thanks for the great feedback, idiot. Anyways about the title, i can make it whatever i want, maybe thats the name of my tag... Look at all the other titles, and i at least post good content and give good feedback.
  18. yourLink for the lose. i often have trouble with mine, but for a diffrent reason. I live no where near a city lol.
  19. blend more on the top one, i like the second one, cool logo.
  20. Not a come back? then why did you say "shut your mouth". That's not "telling" me something, i see you haven't gotten any smarter or mature in these past two years. Your not that bright, anyways if you wanna argue with me then drop me a PM this topic is off track, closed.
  21. Lol @ your horrible retorts, and i haven't talked to Cesar in about 2 years, i was also a modder back then, i was better at modding and gfx. What kind of come back is "your deathgrip cesars butt buddy"? Wow.
  22. Curtis

    8 inches deep...

    This is some of the worst feedback i have ever gotten.
  23. Curtis

    8 inches deep...

    ...Photoshop What else? lol
  24. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd160/DeathGrip17/Yoshi.png not finished, ererr i unno where should my text go and what should i add
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