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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. cut out with txt, very plain, txt is limp. cool idea tho, thats neat
  2. stick with XP, windows 7 and vista blow, as long as you know what virus protection is, you don't need or want vista or 7. plus only get a laptop if you travel lots. Laptop= twice as expensive for same specs. then when it breaks, good luck fixxxxing it/ kkk pluszzz dont get dellllll
  3. if i had time i totally would, however i'm on holiday for 9 dayz
  4. no man, where is teh love </3?
  5. i sent you video in PM., you didn't even consider it?
  6. lol smiley face.
  7. im good thanks
  8. ilyy... stay k?
  9. Curtis

    glasses now

    physical appearance is always a good thing
  10. Fatttttwam Ftw, you are good argueing
  11. LOLOLOLOL!OL!OL!OL! :) Finally i love the old skinnn,,, and u peechez yay dark!E Ds
  12. YAAA wtf we need a darker skin Peachez, remember how uber our old ipb forumer one was?
  13. ads ftl linnkbuxx for more lose, ibotmodz is dead anyways.. SOTw?
  14. u sirr, are a strange ddude
  15. k dewd
  16. i use gaming mouse, with strong laser and weights
  17. holy yay!!! it reminds me of old site (RIP ), now SOTW!!! dftgdf!!! k???
  18. lol why are you mother ******s getting banned? I've played lots and lots of "backups" online, and i've also been using "borrowed accounts" frequently.
  19. Curtis

    Move Complete.

    about time, it was slow. How about we get GFX going again, and make melo staff. Cause this site is dead as balls.
  20. Curtis

    Lots o sigs

    Holy bawlz its MELO
  21. the engine in those pictures is Halo CE, pretty sure reach didn't switch back to an old engine.
  22. windows 7, suxxing balls right now
  23. Curtis

    Real life tips

    i got gf, i are better friends with girls, i am myself, i enjoy social life, always wear a condom, or else ! :@
  24. + rep for you probably first guy to take some feedback and not get mad at me.
  25. lol computer nerdz, on a computer nerd forum =] Mechanic, pornstar, or electrician. Maybe computer sciences...
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