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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. What's the point of posting your work in show-off, if you don't want my opinion lol, what peaches told you says nothing and won't help you improve at all, just saying
  2. Wadio would be super cool, i could make the playlists. I love making Cd's and play lists.
  3. Yeah i know what its used for, when your dealing with sensitive data. What confidentail information is passed through html through this site? lol
  4. fattwam ftw, what would we benefit from greater security? Like less chance of stolen passwords?
  5. Talk about negative space, and teh flow is like ZOmg!! txt needs work too
  6. I R did Getz it, Like three
  7. Curtis

    Lots o sigs

    #2 produces white stuff in my pants your getting better, but they all still lack and show inexperience. Biggest thing i noticed is bad focal and flow, i like the colors and styles tho. GoodJob
  8. holY shITz this Are looking Much more different,
  9. Curtis

    5 Minute sigs

    ya WUT he said
  10. Curtis

    Another ODST

    yeah your a newb, lol Read some tuts, learn some effects, or what they are for that matter. Just hit me up if you want a decent tut.
  11. seriously does anyone blend anymore?
  12. Curtis

    Another ODST

    terrible, sorry but it needs a little blending, creativity, and its very mono-tone. Did you follow a tut? Decent for a newbie
  13. What kind of car, and what kind of stereo system, one of my friends got jacked fairly recently, man it really sucks.
  14. pretty neat, i like it. what is it tho
  15. Curtis

    Light Yagami

    clip clip fail, decent tho, i'd work on both text and clipping, maybe effects?
  16. Curtis

    Community SEO.

    SEO? Explain more... Like google helps increase our traffic? err what
  17. Curtis

    DVD iPod

    Badd idea, you can just do a copy of the disk with those files, I use 1Click DVD Pro, i think it gives you an option to convert to (.mp4) which is iPod video format.
  18. its tight, new styles are nice to see. good stuff man.
  19. go to www.aceoftech.com thats DarkMaster's site, an old moderator here since you probably didn't know that. He real great with Computers. And i imagine its a fuse.
  20. hasnt changed
  21. http://foodcourtlunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/megan-fox5.jpg cesar post a image plz.... gawdd
  22. RULES! 1. No nude. 2. Every PERSON must be 18 years of age, period. 3. Every post must have an image, (tip: if you want to reply to someones post quote it, and then add another image in the same post) 4. Zero flame. Rules are subject to change, if rules are NOT followed you will have your post deleted (possibly banned account for extreme cases) SO please keep this a clean thread, and post an image you may get +rep. I'll start Kayden Kross http://satirischer.bloganzeiger.de/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/kayden_kross1.jpg
  23. omgz its zelda for n64 lol blacklabel whats your sound system look like now
  24. re-upload this plzzzzzzzzzzzzz, its offline
  25. dont ask me why, i still love microsoft they make mistakes cuz too much awesomeness
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