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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. even tho im hung over as ****.. lol
  2. **** just mount another fan in your casing, right in front of video card
  3. over priced harddrive lol,
  4. Curtis

    Homepage WIP

    so this is where SOTW is going?
  5. only piratical thing you could do in photoshop with that monitor is finger painting,
  6. lolooolol9olol haha i didn't even realize what i posted thur
  7. no lol, touch screen monitor not good idea IMO, just build your own computer, you'd have 10x better performance for same price. When you buy from company, their paying wages, making money on markup, and advertising which comes loaded onto the new computer. As for "Photoshop", i doubt your into fingerpainting or Digi paints yet, so wait till your good at gfx, then buy a tablet. Which is more accurate than a touch screen monitor.
  8. ya thats what i sed el oh el
  9. holla bawlz i found it =)
  10. hai now, no hating. i could close the topic. as for the program, looks pretty useful. ELEMENT18592 chill
  11. Curtis

    GTAIV Help

    Win7 is your problem i think, have you tried running as XP
  12. lol make a new signature, it looks dumb. and i cant see it, are you using IE
  13. 1 carrot, 2 oranges.
  14. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2 A milli!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTF6N7EWzOA the new black
  15. LMAO!!! haha +rep for the funny guy.
  16. lol she's got those already, ive bought her jewelry.
  17. Curtis

    Some stuff I made.

    lol k ill add you later, if you want some help
  18. this site is as dead as something dead... LOL
  19. i picked one: imma DG. Add me if you like, getting back into this halo 3 scene, and srsly guys, im not buying her milk steak
  20. Curtis

    Some stuff I made.

    haha k man, when i get home later. u can also have some of my .psd's. u haz msn?
  21. Not really computer related, but wtf should i buy my gf for xmas. and whats the chance of being banned with my xbox, it was flashed like 2 yrs ago, and probably hasn't been signed in since a year ago. Do they catch flashed drives with Original disks. plus ima making new account, but imaDG is taken. any ideas? plus ill take any 1 months ppl dont want
  22. Curtis

    Some stuff I made.

    all 5 have no blending, work on that using txt to fill a sig just doesn't look good, imo. your flow is in all directions, try to get into one movement, or even a V-compo looks not bad. that sonic one is pretty cool. how long u been doing this fer?
  23. Don't use Dell, just a rip off company with junk parts. and remember every company you order a computer from, they make mark up profit, so build your own, if you don't know how, im sure a friend of your does.
  24. justt about guarantee you, XP would run faster if you set it up good. and no you can't get a good laptop for 400, it'd be decent but cheap, and way behind in hardware
  25. :S im confused, your modeling a map, fur wut reason,,,,?
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