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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. he saying the map is inside the .rar file. double click the rar file its like a folder with stuff inside. there should be something called like riverworld.map or guardian.map depending on which you downloaded. just drag that to your desktop and open that in johnson. if you still need help ill take pics to show it better.
  2. ya don't bump but thanks. Unfourtunatly the links are dead and the vid got deleted.
  3. go to xboxsoftmods.org just make a account and download the .map files and if the sites down (which i dont think it is) then Ill upload them.
  4. ya i got it too this morning. does it do anything?like is it going to affect anything i care about or is it just to fix some exploit or something?
  5. Could you tell me where the davinchi walls are in the tags?
  6. i think you broke your hdd. did you do anything else when you put the film on or took it off.
  7. Random1225


    he's saying to edit it to so you cant pick up weapons but if you edit even the name the gametype doesnt work.
  8. I can't get it to work. Whenever i open my gametype this happens. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/R...tos/untitle.jpg It says anything I open is a map variant I made a few weeks ago. Also It doesnt say its an usermap in a program i open it with.
  9. is the site down? Because when i go there it says something about a sql problem and i cant view or download any mods.
  10. omfg the computer room place is so sick im so making a map with those monitors
  11. nope only host can drive but if you have 2 people on the same 360 an theyre host they can both get in but not in the back
  12. to make a forge varient mod you would need the .map on your computer and you would need the map on your 360 then make a forge variant on it then mod it
  13. ya i downloaded it and looked you must have used a lot of crates when i first saw it i didnt think that just a few skys spawned on the map could do that but i guess in the way you placed them you obtained this amazing effect. Good Job
  14. looks cool ill download later but howd did you get the sky like that its so sick?
  15. when i go to the offset i dont see _blf it says sandbox.map and the i tried with wipxrs and i saw the sandbox.map but it was a folder with nothin inside.
  16. I have high speed but my computer is so retaded its more like low speed and after i restarted it it worked fine so im gonna back up a few of my things just in case and wait and see if it does that again if it does ill reformat it i guess.
  17. If i make that Video Ill make sure to post it.
  18. k i restarted my computer but ill find whatever it said it failed to initialize when its back up. Edit: when i started it up again it said The procedure entry point GetProcessImageFileNamew could not be located in the dynamic link library PSAPI.DLL Ill get the rest in a sec I'm waiting for the rest of my stuff load.(my computer is really slow)
  19. ya this map seems kinda aesthetic, but i cant wait to go rock out with a few elites and at the end of the concert one of the band members (me) goes into a huge rage and kills everyone at the concert in one of histories biggest massacres.
  20. if i reformat my pc i lose everything on it dont i
  21. My computer seems to be having a some problems right now and i have no idea how to fix it. Problem Number 1. If i try and open any web Browser it saus something like memorey not found or error at 0x00016 and other things similiar to that. (I'm using my laptop right now) Problem Number 2. When i open some programs it says error failed to initialize or error failed to initialize please close down this program. Problem Number 3. I don't remember what that was but ill check and edit this post when I find it. If anybody could find anyway to help me fix my computer or at least get my web browser open and working it would help so much.
  22. are you sure? i checked and i didnt see anything.
  23. Nuk who gave you Brute Target test? We never gave it out cuz it didnt work right.
  24. Good map much better than your first I think Ill go splatter some clones
  25. you know you have to rehash and resign
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