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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. I need a map with a phantom. dont really care what map its on. add anything else you want.
  2. we know theyre real
  3. just so you know i was talking about modding on a mac
  4. i dont think you can but hey what do I know
  5. sorry
  6. ya i know i just wanted to be sure since it seemed wierd for a person who mods who should know that the snowskined Valhalla is a devkit only to have a map called snowskin on Valhalla
  7. does anyone here have it
  8. i didnt know what it was I didnt want to play it yet because i heard some more RROD maps were floating around
  9. I heard someone had it and was going to leak it but right now Im not sure who has it
  10. Does anyone know what this map is before i play it? http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=35195716 If no link appears then copy and paste it and if the link doesnt work at all tell me and I'll put it on my share.
  11. its ok but its cool because its one of the few maps that you can actually play with a gametype
  12. there should be more mods that can be saved
  13. just downlaoded it but i havent checked it out yet
  14. ya also if you add stuff to a map that has modded barriers the barriers are still there after you save it
  15. barriers are when you try and get out of the map you hit an invisible wall. well barriers are just those in different spots on the map. it like puting a wall somewhere but you cant see it
  16. ok so we all know that they are not done on a devkit or photoshoped now we just have to get them
  17. ya i saw those awhile ago but i dont have any idea when they will be released/leaked
  18. can you tell us any of the thing going to be on the guardian map
  19. only a few people have it and they dont want to leak it but someone will sooner or later
  20. told ya
  21. I dont think theyre going to release it. And if they do it wont be for awhile. So we just gotta hope they release it or someone leakes it
  22. is standoff v2 the one with the satalite on the map
  23. ya most. not all. Ive got some they dont have posted
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