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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. awesome maps and what are the fanns for on flooded foundry. you just fall through them
  2. what does halo wars have on it or is it a secret?
  3. does anyone here know how to mod pics?
  4. its a pretty cool map i just downloaded and im going to play it in a sec.
  5. He already released the flooded foundry and modded epitaph and he'll probably release the other ones soon.
  6. awesome i just downloaded and im going to play it now.
  7. looks awesome and can you tell us anything about flooded foundry v2
  8. Make some sort of modded Infection gametype. I'm not sure what you should make it do so be creative.
  9. Looks awesome cant wait till it's released
  10. i played it and its pretty cool. only problem like you said is the lag start up
  11. ya i got this earlier today but i didnt make a post about
  12. beserker since when can you mod
  13. i have them to my gt is General Pretzle. ps: i dont have sligstorms
  14. one time
  15. yes do tell and if you happen to have one i would like to use it sometime.
  16. not for me
  17. does anyone here know anything about the new foundry mod.
  18. if everybody could mod there would be a ton of mm mods and then it would be the downfall of live.
  19. ya i dont think anybody wants to be responsible for that. exept for people like natedog. Im sure they would be happy to kill live
  20. the only way they could stop modding on halo 3 is to destroy every halo 3 in the world but i dont think theyre going to do that. so they cant really stop us
  21. ya we all want these maps but who knows how long it will take until the public has them
  22. o well its still better than anyhting i could have done....yet
  23. ya we know but sooner or later someones going to make a rehasher. they cant stop us from modding.
  24. ya we know
  25. Here you can dowload the maps to your computer. http://files.xboxsoftmods.org/index.php ... gory&id=19
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