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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. isnt this leaked cuz i mean i have it and a lot of other people i know have it
  2. Looks cool and any chance on it being released
  3. i know which one it is but i dont remember what its called im gonna check what its called in the tags right now
  4. Headlong was Halo 2's best map if any of them are brought back (which they should) this would should be the first. Bungie needs to remake this.
  5. sounds awesome too bad I'll never get to play it without a devkit
  6. Gosh austin wheres my sig
  7. those look awesome but ive seen the one on snowbound before it was ok
  8. what recon gametype and if your talking about those pictures of modders with recon there just modded sceenshots
  9. Random1225

    Modding help

    you need both the resigner and the rehasher so I would just rehash you map then wait till someone releases a resginer or find someone who will resign it
  10. 7 days left then Im out and I'm gonna do nothing all summer!!!....wait is that a good thing?
  11. the maps called first hex map. dont really know why its just modded last 3.0 with a different name
  12. sorry for the double post but its just Modded Last 3.0
  13. i downloaded it and im gonna play it in a sec
  14. i saw that vid a couple of days ago but i just assumed it was fake and stopped watching.
  15. i have it but it only shows things you can change for slayer and ctf
  16. Ill take the colored one
  17. I'll test too Gt: General Pretzle
  18. i'm in. I call it "To be, or Not to be Random"
  19. awesome vid this is one of my favortie songs by skillet.
  20. lol thats so funny. it just randomly crashes and yes you can flip it i did the out of crows nest glitch and you can flip the phantom out there too.
  21. ya the ghost town mods are leaked but know one really knows it and alphabetical order would help but its still good the way it is. better than i could have done
  22. ive heard this on other websites and ive asked around and ive heard this is true.
  23. awesome map and nielsss what tag is the water in
  24. you suck bonez. can someone please ban him
  25. does this work?
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