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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. I use hxd and it works fine for me so idk try using hxd and see if it still happens.
  2. Ya i noticed that when i was making my first map i was like wtf it was like so random to be in there im pretty sure its an easter egg also there are a few other one in other tags but i dont remember what they are.
  3. lol probably all of it
  4. Legacy didnt this not work when you made it or did you remake it afterwards?
  5. ya Nuk i made a mod with a nice clean post and its not up there either.
  6. you can get banned but its not likely that you will I play, download, and make mods all the time and never get banned but that doesnt mean it wont happen.
  7. Nuklear and MFone thanks. I was wondering how to mod films for the past like month but i had no idea how to do it.
  8. what do you mean? when you mod something you dont resign it to your name its ethier already in your name or edited to say its in your name.
  9. ok i don't have a resigner but i might be able to get someone to resign it so I'll dl and pm you the link if i get it resigned.
  10. not all the links work just so you know
  11. great idea you tell us about some amazing list tell us to go to this link and we cant see it unless we login so then we all have to register there getting you tons of new members.
  12. oh your that kid i didnt know and its on my share Ill post a link to it.
  13. awesome hope the vid turns out good when its done
  14. you did? who are you? and I'll post it later i cant get to my 360 at the moment.
  15. marines you can use our map and ill post a link to fishy party but im not sure if i should make a full post about it like this 1 cuz it only has a few things on it.
  16. dude big whoop its a typo who cares you obviosley think your better than everyone else and who are you calling a @#(@#* you ass
  17. i have a life thats why i dont steal other peoples mods because i have the time to make one myself if i need to and i dont care i could beat the crap out of you any day
  18. you changed the description it said halo 3 modded map made by Eg overkill not by austion or the other f4aggots who stole it. yes you spelled austin wrong in the description and you didnt make it you didnt even help make this.
  19. austin he posted a vid of it saying he made it and we stole it. the vid is called "Flooded Highground (The Dam)" except without the quotes.
  20. sounds kinda like an oddball ctf game where you take the balls to your base for points
  21. you didnt make this me and austin did
  22. also does anyone want the fishy party cuz ill make a post about it
  23. The Dam http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25927-105.jpg Made by GxKAustinVinces and General Pretzle Resigned by Hyperstorm Post written up by Random1225 of iBotModz.net Features: Water Clones Skulls Flags Bombs Guass Turrets Pictures http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25927-106.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25927-107.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25927-108.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25927-109.jpg Video The Video was removed. Download Links are Dead. If you want the map contact me on Live or PM. Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun. Random1225 and AustinBomber of iBotModz.net
  24. NOOOOOO! Dark your leaving!How do you think austin is gonna feel. He wont stop crying. ok forget i said that but anyways if you really need to leave i guess i hope you have a good summer.
  25. like your mods are any better dark ive seen them and they suck also it wasnt my idea to release them after 1200 subscribers
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