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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/Random1225_photos/untitled-3.jpg My Desktop is too cluttered I hate finding stuff.
  2. Ibotmodz is kinda of dying but I mean some people are still active. Staff is here like all the time and I come on about twice a day but you are right that its not as...umm I don't know the word...uh I quess exciting or something.
  3. Dude that sounds so cool. I think it starts to get good around 1:30. It reminds me of something but I don't know what.
  4. I'm in. My Gt is General Pretzle.
  5. You guys are either too smart or liers. I got 112.
  6. Dude those are so awesome I so gotta learn to do that.
  7. Dude thank you so much for the golden lancer and when I buy COD5 Thanks for the M1a1.
  8. I'm pretty sure they use the same engine but I'm not sure about the file types.
  9. The avatars are sick and the party feature kicks ass. So it's pretty cool but it freezes for me sometimes.
  10. That's awesome but I don't think it happened or at least I don't remember it.
  11. I know it looks so awesome. I played the demo a few times and its just crazy. Also If you watched the introduction in the demo and you saw the zombie in the dark crying. I found one in the demo. It was really scary.
  12. It looked pretty awesome to me I was going to get it but never did. Then I kinda forgot it was out.
  13. Yep I am that awesome. I actually got that from when I bought Gears 2 but I didn't need it because I still have a 3 month on my account and I have a 1 month backup I got from some contest on this site like 1 month ago.
  14. Its seems like the sections are to differnt to be one. Maybe Support section in some section with likesub forums like "Halo 2/3 Support" and "Xbox/360 Support" and then "tech support.
  15. Its an ok game. Its fun for a while but then gets boring. Horde is fun if you play with your friends. The only thing I don't like its this. Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert. Thats pretty much the only thing I don't like.
  16. Ya that happened to me too. It can't find some file or something but just click continue you don't need the file. Also I did it. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/Random1225_photos/hjgxyt.png
  17. I like the idea but I think maybe it needs more thought for example some people leave for a while and then come back. I do think that people with 0 posts and haven't signed in several months should be removed but you get the point.
  18. California. It kicks ass and has teh ocean and i can say hi and stuff. Also I play Gears 2. Add my GT. General Pretzle
  19. I did it. I took me like 168 clicks.
  20. Yay I did it too. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/Random1225_photos/Untitled-2.png
  21. I love the Lettering. I so gotta learn to do that.
  22. Ya me neither its ok I guess but no.
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