Omg i want a flaming bot. It just goes around and flames everything. Seriousley I will pay you to get a flaming bot. Actually I wont so shut up and do it any way
Are you sure? I tried to download it and Download Part 1 takes me to http://http/ and Download Part 2 takes me to http://"http//" .
95% scored higher (more nerdy), 0% scored the same, and 5% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Definitley not nerdy, you are probably cool. Wow i thought it was gonna say MEGA NERD now spell supercallafrajilistic backwards while hopping on 1 foot!
Use this post format and you seem new to the site so I guess you didnt know about the post format. Then Post pics or/and video and It'll look good.
ok, I installed the dot net bar and tested it and it worked. Then I used a crack for it but now Visual Basics Locks up if i try to use any of the dot net bar items and i tried using the normal things in vb and they work fine. So my question is did i install it wrong is the crack messed up or is it something else?
you cant start with no weapon the game makes you hold an assault rifle but the enums still there because you can have you second weapon be nothing. I tried it, it says in the setting no weapon but it still gives you an assault rifle.
ok thanks i'll try that Edit: I tried that and it no longer said there was a problem with the message boxes but thay dont appear when i click the buttons theyre set to and the exit thing still doesnt work. Is there another word for Exit or Close?
that sucks so much, i know how you feel though alot of my family have died or are going to and its not fun at all but unfourtunatley this is part of life but i will pray he makes it past christmas at least.
Theres a post about this please use the search button but ill post the link to the post any way. the post says its 2.5 but its a link to 3.0 at the bottom of the post.
I'm new to C# and i started making a pretty basic program but i couldnt get a message box to work correctly it would always end up saying something like "namespace does not allow these characters" or "Expected class, enum, delegate, and struct". So i tried writing it in VB then i converted it to C# but it says some of the source is incorrect so if i build it the build always fails so if someone could tell me what it wants the parts of the source to be or a way to make message boxes appeaer that would be great. Note: If this is the wrong section please move.
this browser is so awesome(im using it right now). im gonna use this as like my default browser. Edit: This may be a bug but it could just be my PC but when i minimized it it didnt appear in the task bar and i had to reopen it.
omg i need those maps and they showed something like that last map at gphoria. when they accepted the game of the year award they did the same thing except it showed them on a new map with a bunch or spartan and elite ai behind them so it looked like 60 players in the same game.
I Might be able to give you an account but if you make an account it gets banned so if you get someone elses account it'll probably get banned too wouldn't it.