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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. Ya I'd say 20 posts. It's not too much not too little and It's easy to get 20 posts.
  2. ok, just send me a sample and I'll look at that and if i still don't get it I'll have you show me.
  3. I know thats what I thought. I was like " ZOMG la chupacabra has come to eat my face off! but he thought I was a chicken!"
  4. No I'm not dead yet but something did happen and I wanted to here what other people think. Ya see, something murdered my chicken. So, Random1225 Super Ultra Cop is on the Case. OK, my mom, dad, and brother went and bought 3 chickens, 1 yellow, 1 brown, and 1 black. They were inside our house for a couple weeks till they could live outside. They were 6 weeks old and we put them outside in a chicken coop yesterday morning. The only way in the chicken coop is through the door which is locked. We came back home and everything is fine, my brother went and played with the chickens and closed the door. The next morning the coop is locked up still but the chickens are gone. There is several black feathers by door and a few drops of blood on the wood of the door(nothing bad just like if I skidd my knee and whiped some on the wood) but, whats strange is 3 chickens, 1 set of feathers and the feathers are in about a 2 foot radius around the door then they just stop. No bodies were found and there's no way out of my yard. OK, so if the door hadn't been locked and an animal had opened it there are problems with that theroy. Because would it be able to open the door grab and grab 3 chickens before it closed. Why is there only 1 set of feathers. And if they did all get taken out by said animal. Could it drag 3 chicken over a about 5 foot fence and away from my house. So my question is what do you guys think.
  5. 1435 Yay, High Fives to everyone
  6. Ok I've started programming recentley and I was using dotnetbar's ribbon control. I made the boder of my form border style none so it was just the ribbon control so it would look better but I noticed that It wouldnt use my icon or make it not be able to maximize like i had made it. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/Random1225_photos/p.png I opened up Dark Slipstream's hybrid resigner source and realised that his ribbon control was the form. It was like he put the form border style on ribbon control but you cant http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/Random1225_photos/pp.png and If i put the form border style on none it looked like this. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll130/Random1225_photos/ppp.png I was wondering how you could do that. So if anyone could help It would really be nice. Sorry if this is hard to understand but It was hard to explain.
  7. I also might still have some invites if anyone needs them.
  8. Umm ... he's the maker and he said not to post unless you sign, So that would be a certain procedure, so yes they did happen.
  9. I downloaded them about a month or 2 ago but idk so I'll upload them to rapidshare or something if I can.
  10. ok then that means that the shared sp main menu or shared mp are messed up because its reading that wierd image. I could send you my files if you want or just re download them off XboxSoftMods because thats where i got mine and it works fine.
  11. I like them all but i guess C2
  12. Ive seen that befrore it happened to me but it happened when I injected the image. I would make sure that mainmenu, shared, and shared sp are all in the same folder as the map and make sure the image is saved in the right format.
  13. We Did? Oh well it doesnt matter but ya online is scary it sucks.
  14. Ohhhhhh. Then use Sandbox. You can move their spawn point to way up in the sky or under ground so they cant shoot you.
  15. I play online sometimes but I like Campaign better.
  16. 1411
  17. ya exactly decatur you understand perfectley
  18. Yes there is, it is actually very simple. Ok let me explain: 1. Start up snowbound in forge. 2. Spawn trip mines and out them on instant respawn (if you don't know how I'll explain at the end of the post). 3. Stand on the trip mines and keep throwing them. 4. After some point the game will lag(if other people in the party) and the shield doors to the bases will disappear. 5. When that happens blow up the trip mines and the turrets will not shoot at you. They may even disappear(happens to me sometimes). 6. Then your all good and its overloaded. Note: saving won't keep it overloaded. There is a way but i don't remember. Ok, to put it on instant respawn click "X" twice while looking at it and change it's Minimum and Maximum Tims to their max.
  19. Ya you have 3 options. Go to Mars (AWESOME) like GMOF said, hide under your bed, or build a bomb shelter. The last 2 work because if your under your bed or in a bomb shelter the black hole is like "Oh im gonna getcha! Oh, nevermind he's under his bed(or in a bomb shelter). He's safe I can't hurt him." Then the black hole leaves because he is so sad.
  20. Ya I understand but this is different this effects everyone and everything not just you. If you clicked "Install SoftMod" and it messed up your xbox that just effects you and you have to find out how to fix it. But this is different if it goes wrong we all die, not just the people who messed up. But this is all irrelivant because we will not be killed by a black hole tommorrow.
  21. How many people do you need? I'll join.
  22. This just proves how stupid mankind is. If there was even a millionth of a chance that the entire world would be destroyed by this thing then mankind should be smart enough to not use it all.
  23. Ya I agree with SFB. I probably couldn't say it any better but say i forgot all this its an ok program I guess.
  24. Random1225

    WHITE relic

    sounds ok I might play it but you might want to add pics and a space between Links and http://files.filefront.com/dunerar/;11699380;/fileinfo.html
  25. I'll check what its called and it might not be a big problem depending on how hot it gets. my laptop gets pretty hot and its on my bed or couch when im using it but, it never gets too bad that it like burns me but hot enough that i could touch it and say "ow thats kinda hot"
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