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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. k thanks chederz
  2. Random1225

    The Dam

    The Dam by Austin Bomber and Random1225 We will release after we finish our next mod. http://youtube.com/watch?v=jsGbMbXQ5RU [youtube:38s8bxt4]jsGbMbXQ5RU[/youtube:38s8bxt4]
  3. ya they never changed it when they say sky theyre talking about the background and on maps with water theres water in the background so thats why when you place it it places water
  4. ya me and austin made this map and it tuned out so good but it did take a few trys but it turned out awesome and austin do you know when we'll have the vid up on youtube
  5. just tell me the map and i can get you the exact code but otherwise its in scen and its called sky. its called sky but its actually just the background and thats why it puts water on some maps
  6. ive got a lot of unreleased mods I might trade but i want to see the map you want to trade before i give you anything. Just send me a message or friend request Ill be on tommorrow my Gt is General Pretzle.
  7. one of the gametypes is no respawn and the other has the speed and gravity changed like on Narrows i can jump from 1 end of the map to the other.
  8. its a pretty cool mod also there is some other maps and gametypes on his share you might want to check out
  9. ya xport is for if your 360 is far away from your computer and by far away i mean farther than a ethernet cable away and xsata is for if your 360 is close to your computer
  10. you can buy them on ebay for around 35 dollars and you can sometimes find them at best buy
  11. im pretty sure the water is set up into layers and you would have to place each individual layer to create the effect of it being actually flooded. Im sure its possible but it might not be possible until .MAP modding can be done
  12. that would be so awesome i would so do that but i dont really know how to mod screenshots. so we definetley need to find someone to do that
  13. we put multiple items some in the air and some on the ground so you could see water from every where not just in 1 area or at one place in the air
  14. its a little laggy but it's still cool Edit: i just played it again and there was no lag
  15. yes but be careful how you put the item that will be the sky because me, austin, and eg made a flodded map on highground and the water level was about 10 feet above where we put the item but it might have just been our mistake but you might want to keep that in mind for your map
  16. in the scen tag theres the sky near the top but the sky is the water used on flooded maps so you would have to position it just right if you wanted to see the sky because the "sky" is just the background
  17. Ive been waiting for a new Valhalla map to come out. this one is really cool i dowloaded and i just played it cant wait to see your other maps.
  18. i dont think your idea would work, and if you're sharing mods you can share them through custom games.
  19. i didnt realize spamming had become such a problem but after seeing it has i think this is a really good idea hope it goes well
  20. no its got a bunch of clones and some trees
  21. I know they havent but i cant wait to see the others
  22. this isnt new ive had it for like 1 month
  23. that map looks sick i so need to see the other maps in the mythic map pack
  24. dont we have a cumminity login and pass or something also so you dont really need one but make one
  25. theres already a post about a tut somewhere Ill try and find it and post a link
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