I get one about some missing file 0x06145 evertime I turn on my computer but my computer works fine and unless it bothers you, you don't need to do anything.
I already got it and beat the main quest line. It gets kinda boring afterwards unless you use mods or get the reanimation spell from a side quest in this expantion.
ibotmodz.net halomods.com modhalo.net hotmail.com youtube.com *****.com megaupload.com demonoid.com bungie.net ******.com CodeProject.com XSS and a bunch of other sites I don't remember.
wouldn't that technically allow you to have 16 people in campaign. If so what will players 5 - 16 be, will they be there regular armors or will it be like slayer on a campaign map?
Unless you are asking which is better to sit on. =) but seriously good tut. Its simple and good anybody could understand. Even I can understand I just made one it just says password lol and then I type random stuff like "odshigh".
It all seems good. It will restrict a little but it'll give the members something to try and get and the new sections are gonna be very popular. It may result in spamming but that can be controlled so I'm sure everything will be great.
Im using Areo right now it looks so sick. Edit: Everything looks good but when I look at my account and click XBL Info the screen gets kinda squished and I can't see it well. Like you see half of my name and half of everything else but it could just be me.
Cool Sniper + The Earl of Sandwich + Involved player + Comic relief + Jack of All Trades + Scout + Social Speaker + The Female lol jk about the female but otherwise thats totally me.
lol thats a really good question but all in all even though I don't know whats modded on it it seems like a pretty decent map. Edit: Nvm I do know whats on it but it still sounds ok.