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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. I thought it was actually good for a first racetrack. And nice editing
  2. Yeah! IPB tomorrowz!
  3. Justrec


    Man.. UK money looks so weird.
  4. Yep, you know he should be banned when T3A is the only one defending him.
  5. Yes Quinn. I got that when Peaches said it. Do you have a solution? Other than downgrading?
  6. Happy Fathers Day.
  7. Sorry, the eyes has to be moving.
  8. How so? It was released yesterday.
  9. Run a what?
  10. **** YEAH
  11. Wont start after a few seconds... -.- Thanks khaos. Actually worked until it crashes again.
  12. It happens everytime i ******* open firefox..
  13. The reason I don't use firefox. I just installed it and it works fine, but i click about 5 things then it stops responding, says this, and If I want to use it again, I have to restart my computer. I don't rush and press links.. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/reasonfirefoxsucks.jpg I exit it out when it stops responding. I click it again, then that pops up. Its not actually running so theres no way for me to close it.
  14. Justrec


  15. Lol pwnt. No need to be scared. Tell him to come after me instead. Cause I know he was just pulling your leg.
  16. Justrec

    My 2nd Photoshop

    Blurring ftw. But you went a little overboard with it. -.-
  17. Are you from tenesee? Because You're the only Ten I see. Are you Jamaican? Because Ja Makin Me crazy.
  18. @GMOF, No, just pre-order it.
  19. Citadel is ******* tight.
  20. Can you make it so EVERYTHING isn't in the center? The posts are a little okay in the center, but some things in my sig aren't supposed to be centered and I don't like it that way. And the main page where it shows all the forums...That needs to be un-centered also.
  21. Wtf is sgt johnson?
  22. I'm pre-ordering on tuesday.
  23. ....Lmao.. Wtf?
  24. ...Wtf. I don't even know wtf Steven's is suppose to be.
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