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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. http://www.illusionking.com/illusions/moving-patterns-illusion-5.jpg http://denmarshall.co.uk/images/Picture8.jpg
  2. Wish they were gifs..
  3. T3A_guy, didn't he say only post once per page? You're posting useless **** too.. I'm rating your last post, and don't reply because you're going to mess it up again. 1/10
  4. So...Why did you name yourself that?
  5. I'm doing that.
  6. If anyone says whats not Johnson?
  7. Morse code? Are you serious?
  8. Justrec


  9. Thats the *** way.
  10. Boosies Clever Rick rolling ways... http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/cleverrickrolling.jpg
  11. ^ Not what they meant. They mean like teachers getting into students personal lives, and trying to help them out.
  12. FREE ACHIEVEMENTS! http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/FREEACHIEVEMENTS.jpg
  13. Test: ******* ... I think they meant to censor on hard. Like.. 'Im on hard' Ok you know what, why not censor them like **** - Sh*t **** - F*ck So we actually know what someone is saying and its still censored?
  14. Justrec

    Vanity 2.0

    Basically you just took his app and said it was a ...'V2'? I'm saying this again because you aren't answering anyones questions whenever they ask this.
  15. ODST is still a new game, and a subforum should go under the regular Halo 3 forum.
  16. Showing a splintercell trailer.
  17. I just turned it on, I think they are showing some EA and Ubisoft **** now..
  18. W00t! Pwneddded.
  19. TFF, not TTF.
  20. Justrec


    They didn't say that it was going to be a full game, or what it was for the matter. It could be another 2 hour campaign for all we know. Just everyone don't get your hopes up.
  21. Download and install Winrar.
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