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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Well, looks like shotspartin got owned... Party? I'll bring the beer! Oh and Shotspartin, you should probobly stay away. Far away.
  2. ... THAT one is fake, however there is a construct mod. There are pictures everywhere of it.
  3. Shotspartin, Thats paint. You opened a picture in paint and wrote on it... Look at my sig. Its crappy but I want to see you do that in paint.
  4. Well shotsparten needs to but now Shadow Mfone. At least not the real shadow, because I think this one is shotsparten.
  5. Omfg I would say check the Ip's of shotspartan and the new shadow lag, but the last time you got the IP's wrong so I don't know.
  6. Justrec

    Which One?

    Snowbound? Its just nothing but white everywhere. Rats nest for sure. I'll try and get them too.
  7. Anth0ny and Shade released two of those maps I believe, They said as long as no-one (else) takes credit for the maps they will release them.
  8. Nice post MFone.... But the Valhalla v2 wasnt supposed to be released
  9. ....Wow
  10. Basically thats it. Hey Spartan, Put me on your peepz list
  11. Ok first of all I put this because me AND nice shot made this tutorial but i didnt include my name because he mostly figured everything out I only did a little bit. Ok? And IM the one that put the tut together from the mini parts we (mostly him) had. So yeah i put that made by nice shot there.
  12. Theres a resigner in engineer but im not sure it works You can try it but... Anyways where it says resign in that tut resign on the halo 3 map resigner when it comes out.
  13. Once they release the resigner, you can do this tutorial. Take my advice and make mods now and when the resigners come, all you have to do is resign. I edited the tut and put at the top that you have to wait for the resigners because some noobs dont understand
  14. Justrec

    Scarab Wars

    Im in all of them! That was before i became a modder though
  16. This was only made for when someone release a map resigner ok? Thats the only reason i made this tut. Yes, the tut works but when you have a map resigner.Your just gonna have to wait until somone releases one.
  17. Haxz!
  18. Close please
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