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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Justrec


    Its a secret. You have to crack the code.
  2. LOL!
  3. Justrec


  4. ..... Can someone lock this thread?
  5. Remove that guys. Don't report it!!! FE is a party pooper.. -.- He banneded us for it.. You need to have some fun FE
  6. A new one is suppose to come on rooster teeth today
  7. *Suck Suck*
  8. Beam Rifle FTW! I pwned caboose with it yesterday
  9. 6pm central everyone. Thats 7pm EST. We will have a practice session 1 hour before the game starts if people would want to join an hour before hand. The first game is confirmed to be Team Snipers, I've talked it out with people. Get your teams ready now. Again people should get on H2 and make sure they don't have to re-download the maps like all of us did. TURN YOUR MODS OFF.
  10. Someone was messing with my computer and my internet went down. My XBL still works, so hopefully I can make it. Someone can move this out of VIP now. Btw, I'm using my brothers computer.
  11. Evenings.
  12. Whats the latest time in central that you can attend?
  13. Oh and people should check if they have to re-download all the maps on Halo 2. Lots of people had to do that, including me.
  14. I don't know GMT times, but probably starts at 6, 7, 8 central. ( 7, 8, 9 EST)
  15. Its Halo 2, and its probably going to be tuesday, since the weekends, people have lives and monday is always a bad day. If everyone is okay with tuesday, it will be tuesday.
  16. Can everyone say a date that they will be home and able to play? The closest date to today?
  17. Its a key....right?
  18. Ok BTKC, I know you can rate as your own opinion, but I just want you to know that its not your job to rate people. If we submit it, you are supposed to add it.
  19. No it doesn't? It looks like he is looking at the road..
  20. He has an IPB board, its in his sig. He said hes waiting before hes upgrading to IPB3.
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