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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. They said they were releasing a new recon challenge each week for the next 9 weeks or something. I'm winning one. I garunteeeee it.
  2. /Facepalm... Stop taking arguments from the shoutbox to the forums. That offtopic should be directed at khaos because he brought the topic up. You just want to say something to me don't you?
  3. ? What is your problem? Thats the first mean post today. Are you pissed about not being mod or something? Don't take it out on me. If you didn't notice, I be mean to everyone who makes a post to complain about being banned, or leaving if they are not staff... They deserve it. K? Good.
  4. IT DOESN'T ******* MATTER WHO CAME UP WITH IT! Its stupid and lame. VERY stupid.
  5. No-one cares if you were trying to give Peaches a mod. Take that up with him through IM. The point is, you are supposed to be banned and not here, so it doesn't matter if you are here 1 hour here and 10 minutes there. You were still on the site which was wrong. Stop crying. /Thread
  6. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Mfone/avatar-body.png---MFone
  7. Post an image of your New Xbox Experience Avatar Heres how you find yours: [avatar]YOUR GAMERTAG HERE[/avatar] to start: http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/justrec%20x/avatar-body.png If you post anything that doesn't contain your avatar, your post will be deleted. (Some exceptions to be made)
  8. Justrec

    OH NOES!

  9. Its not funny when you kill awesome guy..
  10. Justrec

    OH NOES!

    *Scratches Head*
  11. Looks good but I need to actually hear it, because I don't know how it actually goes, and I don't know the beat.
  12. LMFAO! I also lol'd there.
  13. Family Guy Tyler Perry's House of Payne Idk , I can't think of anything else.
  14. ^ Thats where a thanks button would have been useful. Rep doesn't show which thread you have gotten the thread in. At least not to other people.
  15. Lolz still excited about your blue? If you want to move it just move it. You don't haz to ask! Its teh power of teh blue!
  16. Khaos you were inactive. And omgzorz. New staffz? Where the **** is yung? Hes never on anymoar!
  17. It means that you are a bad boy, and you had to get warned.
  18. Justrec


  19. http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g305/Witblitz/Cool%20Pictures/bestthreadever7ph.jpg
  20. Justrec


    What? Pargy is still there sometimes.
  21. Welcome back. Peaches we were hacked? Oh my god since when?
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