/Facepalm... Stop taking arguments from the shoutbox to the forums. That offtopic should be directed at khaos because he brought the topic up. You just want to say something to me don't you?
? What is your problem? Thats the first mean post today. Are you pissed about not being mod or something? Don't take it out on me. If you didn't notice, I be mean to everyone who makes a post to complain about being banned, or leaving if they are not staff... They deserve it. K? Good.
No-one cares if you were trying to give Peaches a mod. Take that up with him through IM. The point is, you are supposed to be banned and not here, so it doesn't matter if you are here 1 hour here and 10 minutes there. You were still on the site which was wrong. Stop crying. /Thread
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