Its just a smart robot. I went to the Museum of Science and industry and they told us about the different kinds of robots, including this one, and they showed us this exact video. I can't remember all the details though.
I feel like having one. Since the last one didn't go to well organized by Xpargas, I want the community to organize it this time, and hopefully everyone says they are going to be there will be there this time. So start organizing it! Organize it by map, gametype, time, etc. Get started. Update: Changed to Halo 2 - Does everyone have H2? Date is This Tuesday - Is everyone free that day? 6pm central, 7pm est. There will be a practice game an hour before hand, If enough people join one hour ahead. The first game is confirmed to be Team Snipers, I've talked it out with people. Get your teams ready now.
I R BE BLUE SOMEDAY I blanked it out cause what they were talking about isnt related to what I'm saying, and I didn't want any of you to start looking at their conversation
OMFG! I was kidding around making brutes, hoping to get the rare and unbeatable bear, but I got the next big thing. I bet none of you can beat it. nevermind.. that guy takes forever to get out his weapon. I guess i gotta keep striving for teh bear.
Belivent Stevil. Resident Stevils twin brother. They used to be the best of friends when they were younger. They even had the same dreams. Both dreams was to be a brute champion. They fought and fought to compete to see who was better. Until it broke them apart. Belivent Stevil left when he turned 18 and change his features because he was ashamed to look exactly like his brother. He changed his hair color, and everything. Then he came back to get even with his brother. To prove that he was the one that was a greater brute champion.
XFARGAS - XPARGAS's older brother, and clearly better. Xpargas has always been jelous of his older brother, because he was always better than he was. One day, Xfargas, has left the village, leaving Xpargas there alone. Since his brother has gone, Xpargas, has become the most powerful one in the village. He hopes his brother will not come back to the village to take his glory away. He is absolutely certain his brother wont return from his mission. Until this day. If anyone wants me to make up a story for their brute, I'll try if I can make a person that will actually beat yours.