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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. It was a joke..
  2. +1 to xpargas
  3. .... You have to be VIP to make a goodbye topic.
  4. ...Thanks. /End of offtopicness
  5. Get the download links for him sherlock -.-
  6. Don't vouch. Buy at own risk.
  7. Its not hard to be on a computer and have a life. But if its affecting you that much, you need to go and have your life. Don't stay on the computer all day.
  8. You mean like GFX tutorials, Programming Tutorials.. Modding Tutorials....
  9. I ignore welcome PMs...
  10. I didn't get a request...
  11. Lolz you went to a movie.. Peaches add my GT.
  12. Well me Boosie and Dan got off.. I got tired of waiting, idk about anyone else. PARGY! Next time we want a better host -.-
  13. Justrec

    chat box

    Ok that cleared it up. I was liek.. Wtf.
  14. Btw hes been asking for this in the shoutbox which is why he made this thread -.- Its not hard to google awesome face.. http://th06.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/f/2008/341/4/b/awesome_face___HD_by_ConnorJones2610.png http://cubegames.net/taneth/uploads/Awesomeface.png
  15. Well me Boosie and Dan are in some other party waiting for xpargas to get on..
  16. Everyone should be logging on now
  17. Justrec

    chat box

    Im confused. He was talking about Deehunter...
  18. Everyone should have Foundry. That is most likely the map we will be playing most of the time. If everyone has the mythics, we will be playing Sandbox probably.
  19. Dude. Those are cool with a capital "K" Nice job.
  20. Isn't that what rule two is? Same thing.
  21. A Jumping course.
  22. I'm just 1337
  23. ^ Pargy are you saying that to my suggestion?
  24. Have something to do with iBotModz? Wtf does that mean? We have to spell out iBotModz? Why can't we just submit a cool/funny/entertaining screenshot?
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