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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Working now. Everyone should read my sig, and obey what it says.
  2. Justrec


    Holy shit T3a. That took me one or two minutes to un-spoil.
  3. I remember these. I used to have a mod battle with my friend with this mappack.
  4. K K Yes, all VIP got to keep their ranks K
  5. Nope, I get the same error message. :\
  6. Whenever I try to save a new signature, I get this: http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/Wontletmeeditmysig.jpg And I guess another bug is that big space between my text and the image, because I put the image right under my text.
  7. No. It looks a little weird.
  8. Justrec

    Name Change?

    Yeah Peaches will do it, just ask him when hes in the cbox.
  9. It counts your offtopic posts.
  10. Change the numbers, then the name of the ranks.
  11. That only happens to me when I'm sitting there for along time and I try to talk in the shoutbox. I have to refresh or go to another page.
  12. Doesn't matter. Khaos is making a dark skin for us.
  13. I exited out the stats thing that shows to the right. How do I bring that back?
  14. Well I had in image in my sig, and I have no way of getting that image now. It was in an old photobucket acc that I forgot the name of -.-
  15. Looks so easy. I might have to contact your friend have give him some pointers.
  16. You should have expected that when you made this thread. I didn't negative rep you, but I was expecting at least 2 people to do it.
  17. Yes.... Yes. The quick reply in IPB 3 is awesome. You can do everything that you can do in a regular reply And.. My sig was removed.. Gayness.. -.-
  18. Lmao..
  19. T3A you know as well as I do, that khaos took that site down..
  20. I'm going to have a panic attack. We need a place to meet that day (Another site) so we can all be togetherz! Any suggestions?
  21. I just noticed that it said 8am. That's along damn time.
  22. Your image says mines starts at 5:00 but i'm central and he said 8:00 central..
  23. Its working fine now, Hasn't crashed or said that stupid little message. I've had it open for about 6 hours. Its only a matter of time.. -.-
  24. So bye bye dark skin already?...Gawd.
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