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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Noo, just IPB3, new moderators, nothing special.
  2. Justrec

    Project Natal

    I lol'd at the chuck norris joke. I love the this new project. My family would have fun doing this.
  3. Yeah, I meant get rid of it on the profile and when you view topics. Skin them out of member view.
  4. There is a mobile skin. Its at the skin selector.
  5. Remove the post count so everyone can stop fussing about it.
  6. LMFAO! I had no idea what they were saying -.-
  7. -.- You were once new to the computer...stuff..
  8. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/JUSTREC/avatar-body.png AVATAR UPDATE
  9. You cant mod recon. The only way for you to get it is for you to buy ODST and get all the vidmaster achievements along with the regular halo 3 vidmaster achievements. Or you can win one of bungies contests. http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=news&link=HSSLandscape
  10. Thats what the H3 and H2 support sections are for.
  11. DPS new nickname.
  12. Modded. Its impossible for elites to be happy.
  13. Where do you hear the letter 'n' in the word 'turret'? Why do people say turrent on XBL? Its wrong.
  14. 1000 rep automatically puts you VIP, so If you mean we can have 1000 rep and VIP, I'll take it! But if you mean, VIP will be taken if I go under 1000 rep, then nevermind..
  15. Wall of text, did not read.
  16. Eh, another thread dedicated to rep. I hope you all know that it will give you negative reps if anything -.-
  17. Man, darkshallfall does a great job.
  18. Justrec

    Name Change?

    Yes, one time change people. So think about what you are changing your name to because you wont be able to change it again.
  19. Lots of forums have the 'Help Desk' Name.
  20. <3 Just like se7en http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/help-desk/ lol
  21. Justrec

    Name Change?

    Peaches you should only make it so people can change it once, because If people go and change their names every year, we would have a hard time figuring out who everyone is.
  22. WoW>Runescape
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