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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Forumer haz too much ads.
  2. Dammit. I read this then looked at the date. DAMN I thought this was actually happening.
  3. YES! VIP+. Elite VIP is out. Its dumb and too long. Maybe they can be darker green. lol. And the rep thing doesn't work out so there should be another way of obtaining it. Maybe 1500 posts. , The post thing is a good idea since you are doing it for VIP+, not opening up the VIP section.
  4. To bad we are all out of school for the summer. >.<
  5. HA! I got it before you changed it. So you were going to take credit if I hadn't proved you wrong huh?
  6. Ripped!!!! LOOK IN THE DESCRIPTION! YOU CHANGED A FEW WORDZ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNdWOsKIQBk AND ANOTHER!!! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090621094450AACqFAL
  7. ...No Korupt. This had nothing to do with your thread..
  8. You can't notice people with it, you don't see any visual difference.
  9. LOL! And he doesn't respond when you gave the link.
  10. ...DID HE REALLY DIE?, or is this another thread by immature noobs looking for attention? My second time. I have a feeling I'll be asking the question again...
  11. I R SUB ADMIN!
  12. R.I.P Michael Jackson <3
  13. Why am I so ******* late everytime.
  14. ....Did he really die?..lolz I'm lost.
  15. Not funny. Stop posting stupid shit.
  16. Look at him for .2 secs then turn away. Who does he look like? MICHAEL JACKSON!
  17. Wtf. People stop making thread about your personal lives. We all know all of you want attention, but the truth is, most of the people here don't care. And give me negative rep for this, I don't care. I'm speaking the truth.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUyRAJHiki4
  19. <3
  20. Keep pausing it and un-pausing it.
  21. I'm his only friiiend. He added me. I didn't add him. He <3's me.
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