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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. WTF! Why assembly? You do know that its an exact remake of midship from Halo 2 right?
  2. Needs a move, Caution when download.
  3. Justrec

    Have you?

  4. I'm pretty sure slip didn't think that. He was just saying Nomicals was better.
  5. Longshore looks epic though.
  6. Just because you are a noob, I'm not going to lemonparty because its probably some kind of shock site or porn site.
  7. Justrec

    Have you?

    Yeah right.
  8. lostmodz and his friends are officially immature for picking on a kid who gets beatup everyday.
  9. That depends. How big is your butt?
  10. Exactly and you can't quit and keep trying because they said they will ban you if you do so.
  11. ..Heretic is exactly Midship from H2.. What do you mean assembly?
  12. Plus H3, plus CoD4, plus the cables?
  13. A Beta? ODST Firefight anyone?
  14. Justrec

    Have you?

    Yeah me too, but I'm just going to say kissing..
  15. No. If they are on someones fileshare, you get fileshare banned permenantly, so no-one has them on their fileshare. You need a way to transfer it. And you can get a free transfer kit by buying a new hard drive. The transfer kits come with them.
  16. lolz thats too long ago.
  17. Justrec

    Have you?

    3rd one honestly. Cousin.. lmao.
  18. When did you get so serious man? I mean awhile ago you were joking around like everyone here. This is iBotModz. We joke here. Dun like it? Tough.
  19. People are saying they hate someone. Who? T3A_guy?
  20. The shoutbox bot is backk!!!! THoughtts?
  21. You mean you could have made a new one while everyone was worried about this one?
  22. Are we all hating T3A?
  23. Its shaped like two balls and a dick for the kiddies who didn't know.
  24. First time i sat and watch a full Halo 3 montage. Amazing. Simply Amazing.
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