Lol sorry that made no sense i was uber tired last night. Video link here: Text base information: Basically i'm trying to mount a remote share on "targets" harddrive through the ipc$ windows share protocol. Wondering if anyone here has done so before. btw used IP as example so don't be alarmed lol
You haven't got the hint yet have you? Everyone thinks your annoying as **** and don't care about your "xbox knowledge", the x-clamp fix does work and many ppl have been using that fix for a long time.
life came from bacteria, evolution is the only thing that makes sense. use your head and think about it, religion is used to control people and give meaning to their pointless life' then explain to me why Christianity right, when there's hundreds of different gods and religions.
Personally its more like COD for me, not fair and just stupid in some aspects. Engine very similar, i like halo 2 and 3 because they are what you'd call "Perfect Shooters", that being said they both have bad graphipcs As for Reach, nice graphics. Fun to play. Little unfair. I will probably purchase the game, but spend majority of xbl time on halo 3 last one cant find
Not always cheaper to build yourself, especially if your inexperienced. Many of these companys mass produce this shit and you can find some pretty good deals. I'd check out e-bay if i was you. Btw nice computer, i have something similar from HP