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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Yeah its okay. I'd give it a 6/10. Looks really weird. Odd flow. No real solid BG. Very strange light source.
  2. Curtis

    Sparkles Tut

    Thanksxxzzzzzzz/ Total gonna use.
  3. Don't worry anarchy makes everyone look like trash and i don't think hes here to stay I hope he's here to stay. @#%$ we need him.
  4. Can someone please fix the link. I really want to download this.
  5. You didn't download one of Fattwams apps did you by any chance?
  6. I love it. No one ever gives any kind of information. Just: I need help. Slow computer. If you give us some background information we will help you to the best of our ability.
  7. Nice. I'm not sure if i like this one or the first one better. Looks insane to tell you the truth. HAS DEPTH I'm proud of you. What tuts are you using? Send them to me.
  8. Curtis


    Good. I don't want to talk to you. I'm making a comment on your sig. (Ps. I have every right to be mad at you. You can't get mad at me for trying to help my sister. She was the one who said it. I know your going to take this like a b****, but you have to admit your over reacting... I just said what she said. A friendly comment if you will. I don't care if you like her or not. All i said was don't touch her. Pretty general statement. You can be mad. Go ahead. BE MAD. I just think you should learn to let things pass and accecpt things. Pretty much to sum it up. Don't over react over this. And shut the whole world out cause im protective over my sister. My sister agrees. And if you need more... I have 5 people who agree with me. Please read and consider. Be a man) Sig Looks like you've got something going. Looks okay. Not much done. Great idea tho.
  9. Agreed. Thanks for the post. We can all learn of this. .psd's are nice when learning.
  10. I missed you. Do you remember me? Im deathgrip_17 on old site. Love the work. Are you like 17 now?
  11. You telling me about my double post is just about as bad as double posting lol. And a .png file alows transparency and ect... That's why renders are .png. Border looks fine tho.
  12. Curtis


    I agree. Except Bradley is mad at me. So i'm not saying anything. Scared your head will explode with over reacting.
  13. What are you talking about everyone can see .png Id say its as good as your gow one subs, at least your not going downhill, practice man!!! Your not going to get anarchy skills in a few days, ive been doing it for years and im still nub Haha whoops. Meant .psd. Nvm its k.
  14. Lax can you teach me like you were going to?
  15. oh well it was worth a try Its a pretty bad system when one of the sub admins has a rep of 0.
  16. I agree with that. I don't really like the system.
  17. Yeah man no problem. I'm Opinionated. I'm getting - reped for it. I guess i can back my self up and you guys can't Oh and Melo. If he saved it as a .png we wouldn't be able to see it. Jpg all of us can see..
  18. Agreed. No matter what, it's gonna be hard to stop the abuse of the system. I still think its worth it. People are -reping me just out of sheer hatrid. (Cranky high ranks for ya lol) I've been mostly +repin. Anyone else have thoughts?
  19. Very nice. Transparent is impossible with .jpg so no biggy. I really like this one. (even tho i hate anmie) Things i like: Colors Flow Depth Things that could be better: All above could be improved. 7/10.
  20. I wouldn't mind darker colors. Many of you guys know i like dark forums. I'm not sure what colors would work better. Maybe we can try out some diffrent colors?
  21. Great update. I hope mean members don't abuse the rep system.
  22. Ouch. Mr.GFX here. I love it. Perhaps you could help him get better? Or maybe constructive. I'd say yes. He's active. And this is ibotmodz for @#%$ sakes. Wether you wanna hear it or not... This site sucks for gfx. Seriously. I love how theres like 4 people who are active... Him being one... and your turning him down.
  23. Theres nothing special in the VIP. So don't worry. We have little custom programs. And most of our custom programs are packed full of viruses. (fattwam). I think we need some solid content. Not stuff you can just google.
  24. Great update. I wouldn't change a thing.
  25. Uber. Thanks alot. Nice tut.
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