Alright. Sorry if the render is cut off again. I thought it looked better that way. 350x125 so its all cool. C+c. Subs and I will be Collabing later on this. I'm leaving for a few days. New copy-Final. Thanks Melo for the Border and all your help. Cody shut the mouth. xD. (Were best budz and live 10 minutes apart. Don't tell me i'm flamming lol. He knows i joke.) We can all dream... Maybe one day i'll be a god too.
Because every sig has to be 350 x 125 right? And okay i'll work on that. GFX GOD. sigh, im not saying that. your render is just cut off bad, you only see part of his head an gun. an dont insult me you *. Alright i thought Gfx god was a compliment... I'm lost. Alright GFX. NUB. Better? And i'm working on the render. You needa chill out dude. Took a few layers lmao. I like it. Alot can be fixed on it though. I still has .psd so tell me what to change and what you like. .C+C. *Edit. Now that i look at it... It looks like s***. My pen tool is way off. My liquidy is @#%$ed. How can i fix that?
haha i love how im brush whoring when i use a total of 4 brushes including those i used to smudge ( i used 2 types to smudge). id like to know what the frick your talking about? thanks for the feedback either way, im having a hard time finding pics to use, idk who to look up or how to look it up. all i end up finding in *.... =/ When you get better you will understand. Brushes and C4d's for nubs.
Wow. What a night. And what an msn convo. I'm glad that all the mod's were able to get things running smoothly. I wasn't much help in the process but i did my best. I think Melo and I got over our differences. Racism is not okay. Neither is giving away FTP passwords. Everything worked out and i'm not blaming anyone for this. Good Job peaches. Maybe you can rest now.
Looks amazing for all pen tool. It's nice to see more than just vectors and smudge tags. The sig looks like a bit of a mess... That could be worked on. Colors are great. How many layers did it take you?
Oh wow... Quite the list of services you offer. That's amazing. I hope you do well in your business. I'm not into xbox enough to pay people to raise my level. I'm sure lots are though.
I would of liked to see the edges of the blue not so sharp. I see a nice concept. Colors are nice. Not blending. I dunno. I'd like to see another version of it. 7/10.