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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. http://i36.tinypic.com/30uemao.jpg No?
  2. Its alright. Render is way too big. Txt sucks. I do like how the render comes out of the sig... Just doesn't work here.
  3. I agree with all of those. However i'm sure alot of members don't wanna pay for the VIP. Most of the stuff can be found on google. I honestly haven't used anything from VIP.
  4. I'm looking around right now. Go to the VIP section and download either kapersky or Nod32. AVG sucks.
  5. Exactly why it's hard to have a tutorial section. We'd have like three posts.
  6. Curtis


    Agreed. Your making progress though.
  7. I was going to help him with this mod. I gave him ideas i think...
  8. Sorry i don't really like it. Nice name btw lmao.
  9. Go to the radio. Add stations> Rock> High Voltage. You'll <4 me.
  10. Curtis

    Yay :)

    Well im gonna use it for a stock Bg. Nice work.
  11. Agreed. Good start though.
  12. Virus... Maybe a trojan. What's your current anti-virus. Try safemode.
  13. GFX help seems way too general. I have a hard time searching for tuts in the section. Only problem. Only one who really makes tuts is Laxxy waxy. And that's not enough for a section.
  14. Nice man. I just downloaded. I have alexa too btw. I love the radio!
  15. I for one am sick of DDos. Its plain stupid. Almost anyone can do it now. Ruins Halo, Ruins ibotmodz. Sad really. Great update. I hope we can keep this forum. This is our 4th i belive... Look at us grow: Board Statistics Board Stats Our members have made a total of 32,268 posts We have 3,918 registered members The newest member is lildrknh Active Members Today: 170 Most users ever online was 866 on Jul 16 2008, 08:14 AM <4
  16. Now there`s a sig people. Good job. Lucky MeLo. (its amazing)
  17. Where`s teh cat fight. Cody stop trying to pick a fight. And for the sig... The lines and txt is your whole sig...
  18. Curtis


    Nice. I see you got yourself some V flow though. I like the color choice for the border. Very original. Good job.
  19. Right section next time please. And im not too sure if i can help you. I don't think i've ever xSata'd. And from the market place... Well it depends. If its content map for say rainbow 6, i think it would be under the rainbow 6 folder.
  20. Aurora 3 looks nice. But big. If you install that could you please install another tiny skin so dial up users don't have to suffer.
  21. http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7796 Look any good? Sorry i didn't have much time to look. Everyone knows i want a dark skin . Well i'm off to work. Good luck.
  22. I'm not feeling this one. Too much noice. Flow is like... WHoa. Kudos for something new though.
  23. Don't worry guys! I'm back. What did they all post under my name?
  24. Links down.
  25. I'd like to see a bigger version. Nice though. I dunno how to rate this one.
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