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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Nice... This looks like something bungie would make. You should send it to them. Get reconz!
  2. How is this irrelevant? If anything this helps peaches and lowers the time he has to work on the site. Thank you for the post Smokie. If i see a problem. It'll be in this post.
  3. Well good job for a first. Nice cut out. Blending could of been done better.
  4. Well think it over and get back to us. I really hope you stay.
  5. Curtis


    Agreed. Cesar is good at Gfx... I know. Those tags are nothing amazing. Not even close. Where's all your skill gone? Please stay. We could use someone like you around here.
  6. Me no like render/stock. Me no like txt. I see what you were trying to do. Looks alright. I love the fact that people are trying new things. I've seen better from you.
  7. Mine isn't showing up either.
  8. I now feel ashamed to be a Ms fan. Go to hell Ms!
  9. Umm... Your talking to Anarchy... Bad move. But i kinda agree. Somewhat.
  10. Curtis

    Welcome Back.

    I mad cause i burn eyes if me watchz.
  11. I downloaded.
  12. No problem.
  13. Alright thanks man. I'll keep that in mind for the future.
  14. Cesar... Consider growing the @#%$ up. If you lived near me... You wouldn't be living
  15. Great! I LOVED IT. Going to use.
  16. Laugh out loud. It's crap to be honest with you. Thanks for the feedback though. I didn't even have to blurr anything this time.
  17. Curtis

    Bot Removal

    Wow thanks. Bye bye fattwam bot.
  18. No man stay!!!! Let's add more sections that interest you. And i agree with you on the most part.
  19. Good question. And for the sig. Nice. Pen tool majesty. I'd like to see something new when it comes to tags. (not saying this isn't new, im just sick of pen tool.)
  20. <4- ftw. Tell me what to fix, add, and what txt to use. c+c would be nice. Be harsh. http://i37.tinypic.com/2qs55rc.jpg
  21. Theres your proof- Video
  22. $5? How about no. Maybe more like the moderators have to approve you to become VIP. Keep helpful members than.
  23. Curtis

    Welcome Back.

    I wouldn't mind a new skin. (not that they haven't done enough work already). And i <3 quick reply.
  24. Spiderman Ftw! I love the top one. The effect could of been done a little better. I love how his shoulder is like coming out of it. Gives it a feel of reality. Little bit plain. Good job. 8/10
  25. Thanks. I spent some time on this one. Ask subs. Wtf is Naruto anyways. I hate animation. But other people like it. So that's why i made this one.
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