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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Curtis

    XBL accounts

    DeathGrip x17x
  2. Curtis

    Azn Beauty

    Still doesn't change the fact. Sig doesn't look good.
  3. Thanks for the post. Most people can do this already.
  4. Very nice. I love your vids. Do you have anymore work coming out soon? And you should do a better job explaining where on the map your talking about. Some parts i have no idea where you guys are.
  5. Curtis

    Azn Rawr!~

    The second one looks like alot of your sigs. Same style. First one is pulled of nicely.
  6. Curtis

    - LIGHTS -

    Her name is hard to see. I like the pen tool. I don't like how you used the C4d to cover the whole right side (even though it looks alright).
  7. Curtis

    Azn Beauty

    The left c4d looks blurry. I like the txt. The left side just doesn't look good. She looks blurry. Right side looks nice B)
  8. I've been browsing other forums recently. I'm trying to get members that are not just interested in halo.
  9. Quick reply still doesn't work for me.
  10. I'd like the 8000 members back. We need to focus on more than just halo 3 but at the same time make our halo 3 section better and bigger.
  11. Ibotmodz.net has a traffic rank of: 179,63784 (^196,568) So that means we are growing a lot. Download the toolbar from here to help us out.
  12. No, I've had the same problem. Never buy a D-Link. Thats what i have. Try opening the D-link system controls and do a system reset. Then try using this program- Magic Network.
  13. yeah, Agreed. It looks alright. Some of the smudge looks cool. Your titles are getting very annoying.
  14. Enjoy.
  15. <4 thank you...
  16. Curtis

    Recon pic

    Why is this in General Discussion? Please keep this in spam section. The picture is okay btw.
  17. Sad news friend. I got my modem replaced. so i can be active again. Can you buy a new console and account? Gears of war i guess. Sorry i don't play it.
  18. Haha wow. I just deposited all my points... Went back... Wtf no points. Now i know why. Also arcade isn't working for me... Is it cause of no points?
  19. Umm... He's active and does some nice GFX. I dunno tho. Its up to Melo.
  20. Umm... Nice topic name. As for the sig... Its alright. Guy is hard to see. and flow is like ///\\\|||\//. Txt are tiny. Colors nice.
  21. I agree. Nice colors though.
  22. ya. i are hapyz
  23. Good work so far, as for GFX team i say no. Keep it up, then yes.
  24. I miss him.
  25. All until... People start uploading viruses again
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